Accepting His Love: Chapter Two

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Abigail silently prayed that the white man, currently riding up to her, was not coming to harass her.

Wait... What was she thinking?

White men didn't just come up to black women to hold a polite conversation. It simply didn't happen. He was most definitely coming to strike up some sort of trouble.

Coming upon her, his shadow fell over her face. He didn't say anything. He just stared at her. His examination of her person left her feeling uncomfortable. She didn't know what had come over her, but when his gaze swept past her face and slowly perused down her body, she felt the need to voice her discomfort.

"Can I help you with somethin' mister?" she said snappily. His gaze swept back up to her face and she could've sworn his expression turned almost mirthful. "Never saw a colored person before?"

As soon as the words came out, she bit her lip, immediately wishing to retract them. Black people, especially women, were not permitted to talk out of turn with white people. There were laws against it, and she could get severely punished for it if this man decided to take action against her.

Why oh why did she have to have such a huge mouth?' It was that same huge mouth that often gotten her in trouble quite a few times when she'd been younger, but she'd thought that after all these years, that she had reigned in her tongue. Yet, all this man had to do was look at her and she felt a need to speak.

Unfortunately, however, what was done was done and she'd have to live with the consequences. Keeping her expression hardened and unwavering, she stared back at the imposing stranger. Hopefully, if he was here to pick on her and make racist remarks, he'd figure her too much trouble to deal with and move on. She honestly didn't want trouble, but she did not know what it was about this man that made her snap.

He was a white man, albeit a very attractive one. His skin, tanned to a golden glow, showed that he spent a considerable amount of time in the sun. There was also nothing scrawny or wimpy about this man either. Not at all like the white men back home.

Those yellow bellied cowards were either extremely thin or their bellies were flopping over their belts. This man, however, was well built and there didn't seem to be an ounce of fat on his body. While he had a hat on, blonde hair still peeked from underneath and curled along his strong brow and stopped at his sharp angular jaw.

Everything about this man was golden and warm.

Except his eyes.

They were the iciest blue she could've ever imagined. They stood out from his complexion, but somehow, they belonged right there. Behind his cool gaze, mischief brewed and twinkled, and she could almost feel herself being drawn in.

But Abigail knew better.

She had learned from previous encounters that if they weren't trying to look down on her and sneer at her skin color, white men were trying to find ways to take advantage of her. She was still pure, however, and she'd be darned if one of those red necks would take that away from her. Now, in this strange land, she'd have to don a cold demeanor and hopefully, the white men would be put off by her non submissive attitude. She'd heard it before, being discussed behind a bar in Missouri, that they liked their black women to be "nice and submissive." Thankfully back then, that particular group of men hadn't seen her as she had scurried past the alleyway and into her home

Now, little chills raced down her spine as she waited for some sort of rebuke from the man before her. Yet, instead of a hasty admonishment of how she should know her place in society, his lips parted in a languid grin. Pearly whites flashed and gave way to a set of deep dimples that would have made any lady swoon.

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