Accepting His Love: Chapter Eight

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Later that night, Abigail found out just what she'd agreed to as Derek stationed his wagon right next to hers. He jumped out and she watched as he hefted his bed roll over his broad shoulder.

"Umm... Where do you think you're goin'?" Abigail asked bewilderedly when he walked over to her wagon and dumped his bed roll inside.

"To sleep."

"And where exactly do you think you're goin' to be sleeping?" She asked worriedly. She really hoped he wasn't planning on doing what she thought he was.

"With you," he replied with a smirk and she felt blood rush to her cheeks at his choice of words. Dear Lord...what exactly did she agree to in her moment of unawares.

"Oh no you don't! I never agreed to anything of the sort! " She went up to him and blocked his path when he tried to go back to his wagon to collect his other belongings. "Take your bed and march on right back to your wagon. You can go sleep over there."

"No can do," he said with a click of his tongue.

"Give me one good reason why you have to sleep in my wagon?"

"So I can protect you of course."

"Must you Derek? Can't you sleep on the floor or somethin'? I'm sure you can listen for danger from over there." She was positive that she sounded whiny, but she couldn't help it. There was no way she was going to sleep peacefully while he was in such a close proximity. If she'd even catch a wink at all.

"The floor? Abigail... Have you seen the type of nasties crawlin' on the floor." he scrunched up his face is mock disgust. "Nope. I'll stay in your wagon where it's bug free and I can look out for you."

"You're a grown man Derek. Brave the bugs and sleep on the floor. Better yet, try your own wagon. Now there's a novel idea." He chuckled and went around her to collect whatever items he wanted.

"I never really agreed to this Derek." She said, trailing behind him.

"Actually, you did." He pointed out.

"No I didn't. It was under duress. know what you did to get me to agree." He knew alright, if his smug smile was anything to go by.

"What did I do?"

"You know." He was coming towards her now and suddenly she was starting to feel trapped.

"I don't know. Was it this?" he asked in a husky baritone as he took a step forward. He kept on walking and she kept stepping backwards until her back made contact with her wagon. He came up to her and pressed her further into the wood. She had to crane her neck so that she could look at his face. He smirked and she felt her insides start to flutter all over again. Bracing his forearms on either side of her head, he bent down, but before he could make contact with her, she quickly ducked under his arm and escaped. That was a close call. He may have caught her by surprise earlier, but it wasn't going to happen again.

Derek chuckled and turned around to face her. "Abigail, I'm not taking no for an answer. Just by looking at you, I can tell that you need some sleep, and obviously, you've been worrying too much. So tonight, you get to sleep knowing that I, Derek Greyson, will watch over you tonight."

She mulled it over in her head. It'd be weird-really weird sleeping with Derek so near to her, but he had a point. She needed to sleep.

"Fine." She finally seceded , but held up a hand to stop him from walking. She held up one finger, "But let's get one thing straight. No touching. Whatsoever. Understood?"

He let out a snort of amusement. "Whatever you say Abigail. Whatever you say."


"Stop fidgeting and go to sleep Abigail," admonished Derek when Abigail kicked at her covers . It was the umpteenth time that Derek had told her to get some shut eye, but it was proving futile. Abigail couldn't sleep. It was as she said earlier. Weird. "I'm not going anywhere, so you best get used to it and close your eyes."

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