Accepting His Love: Chapter Seventeen

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Her fingers fumbled with the buttons on her shirt. Was this the third one...or the fifth one? Better yet, what color was she even wearing? The only person who could tell her right now was Derek, but she sure as heck wasn't about to call for him.

Abigail felt like an invalid, which she probably was. The little things that she used to be able to do on her own before she had gone blind, take getting dressed in the morning for example, she no longer could. Now, she had to depend on her ever present body guard to assist and guide her. It was hard to believe that he had left her alone and unattended for even these few minutes now. He was usually always a half step behind her, waiting to attend to her every whim and need.

Four days. It had been four long and painful days since Abigail had gone blind, and there was not a single sign of her vision ever returning. It had been extremely embarrassing the first couple of times when she'd needed to relieve herself. Derek had helped her get to some place private, but somehow, thank God, she had managed to take care of the rest by herself. It'd been a struggle, but she'd managed. Her entire life since the accident has been nothing but one big struggle.

She felt so helpless. Almost like a caged bird with no way of flying and no hopes of ever getting out. She longed to see the world once more, and she had prayed that her blindness would be temporary. Yet, with each day that passed, she continued to lose hope. Memories that had once been vibrant and colorful were beginning to desaturate and fade within her mind.

Though, if she concentrated hard enough, she could still see the rich brown skin of her sister's face, but only barely. The only thing that hadn't left her mind, however, was Derek's appearance. She could still see his blonde waves and handsome smile. It pained her to know that she'd never get to look into his icy blue eyes again.

She realized that a person never knew the little things that they took for granted until it was taken from them. Abigail would never again lay eyes on the orange glow that the sunset cast over the plains at noon, the fresh color of green grass, or even the clear blue sky. It was sad that such a simple thing like taking a bath had cost her so much. Her sight was something she would miss gravely.

The weather outside seemed to have picked up on her mood and very soon, the sound of raindrops hitting the roof of the wagon permeated the air. Pitter-Patter, Pitter-Patter. Under different circumstances, she supposed she would be happy. This was the very first time that it had rained since she came to the territories.

Her crops were probably rejoicing right now at the refreshing water soaking into the dirt outside. She on the other hand, was not in the least bit excited.

She could not see the rain. She could not see anything but the darkness behind her eye lids. There was nothing to rejoice about. Absolutely nothing.

She shucked off her shirt, having long lost the will to get dressed, and laid down on her side. Pulling the covers of her bedroll over her body to fight the chill in the air, she listened to the dreary rhythm of the rain.


Derek had felt the first raindrop hit his nose, but he swore that it was just his mind playing tricks on him. Now he regretted not paying more attention to the rapidly darkening sky as he scrambled to gather up the pot of food that had been on the now extinguished fire. It was hot to touch, but he grabbed the handle through his sleeve and ran to Abigail's wagon.

"Woah!" he exclaimed once he got under the cover of the wagon and laid the pot on the wooden floor boards. He pushed back the strands of his hair which were slick against his forehead from his mad dash. "I sure didn't see that one comin', Abigail. It's raining cats and dogs out there. I bet you those crops are real happy with all that nice rain they got going on."

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