Accepting His Love: Chapter Twenty-One

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Abigail had never felt more helpless, confused or scared in her entire life.

Derek wasn't responding no matter how many times she screamed his name. She was sobbing as tears flowed from her eyes and her hands were soaked in a warm, sticky liquid. The thought that it most likely was his blood made her so nauseous that she fought the urge to empty her stomach on the ground.

She faintly heard footsteps in the background and some shuffling about but for the most part, her mind was otherwise preoccupied on Derek.

So, when someone suddenly grabbed onto her shoulders and began to forcibly hoist her away from his still body, she kicked and screamed as hard as she could.

She could care less that the person currently bruising her arms in an effort to haul her away were probably going to kill her. Abigail was frantic because they were separating her from Derek. If their plans were to kill her, they should've just ended her right there beside him.

She reached her hands back and began to randomly claw at whatever flesh she could find. Her fingernails scratched against the side of a face and the person, it sounded male, let out a string of curses.

He dropped her, but before he could scramble away, a fistful of her hair was grabbed and she was yanked backward.

Her neck felt as if it would pop out of its socket with the ferocity in which the person was pulling her hair. She twisted and writhed, desperately trying to get the hand on her hair to release, but it was relentless.

When they finally released her hair, a slender finger tilted her chin upwards in its place. Abigail shook her head away from the offending appendage, only to have her face imprisoned in a harsh and unforgiving grasp.

Sharp nails dug into the soft skin of her cheek and the person clicked their tongue as they moved Abigail's face from side to side.

"I still can't see why he chose you over me,". Someone said from above her with a click of their tongue. "You're nothing that spectacular."

The feminine voice that she heard made her eyes widen and a wave of rage swept over her.


" recognize me?" she drawled.

"Sadly," responded Abigail, curling her lips in disgust.

Abigail wrenched her face free from the wicked woman's grasp and swung out one of her hands to try and hit Coraline but she only struck air.

"You missed," Coraline taunted in a sing song voice, the very sound of it grated on Abigail's nerves. "Try again."

Abigail did, but still she hit nothing but air.

"Well isn't that something," she said with a sickenly sachrine tone to her voice. "It's just my luck. You...can't... see."

Coraline promptly stopped talking after her observation and Abigail was left with only her sense of sound for a defense.

Unfortunately for Abigail, the only sounds to reach her ears were not nearly loud enough for her to discern what exactly was happening and in the next instant, she was left doubled over in agonizing pain as Coraline delivered a swift but harsh kick to her stomach.

Her mouth went slack as she tried to pull in some much needed oxygen, but the force of the kick had left her so stunned and hurt that she found it challenging to breathe.

"I bet you didn't see that coming!" She exclaimed with a maniacal burst of laughter as if her joke was something of actual amusement.

Then she kicked Abigail again. This time on her ribs and again on her thigh. Over and over, sharp, seemingly piercing kicks rained down on her small form; across her back, her legs, her arms and her head.

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