Accepting His Love: Chapter Ten

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October 24th, 1893

Oklahoma Territory

Derek shivered in the cool morning air. He'd pitched a tent some ways off from his wagon and for the last three days, had been sleeping on the ground. Stretching out his legs and running his hand through his thick blonde hair, he frowned at how long it was getting. The wavy locks were starting to brush his shoulders and as he scratched at his cheek, he realized that he was growing a beard. He usually shaved himself, but before Bristol had gone and gotten herself hitched, he'd had her to cut his hair for him. He wondered if Abigail would do it for him. It was worth a shot. She could either refuse to or just cut it for him, and maybe while she was helping him, he could get to talk with her and carry on an actual conversation.

He pulled on a fresh shirt that he'd pulled out of his wagon yesterday and was just about to go check his belongings for a pair of scissors, but he remembered who was currently occupying the wagon. He shuddered at the thought. There was no way he was going to go in there if Coraline was inside. It was too early in the morning to start up Coraline and her constant chatter. For three days she'd been 'resting' and although it was probably rude to say, he was looking forward to the day when she started for whatever poor community she would choose to grace with her presence.

So, deciding against going to his own wagon, he chose to go see Abigail anyway. Maybe she would have some cutting shears in her stuff. Walking past his own vehicle and the two horses secured to the wagon, he was relieved when not a sound came from within. He supposed she was still sleeping and he wasn't going to question it. Better her asleep and quiet than up and talking.

Once he reached Abigail's wagon across the field from his, he saw Abigail perched on the edge, doing exactly what she'd been doing the past two nights in a row. Staring off into space. "Hey," he greeted and he barely stifled his laughter when Abigail jumped, her hand flying to her bosom and she turned around to glare at him.

"Derek!" she chided breathlessly, a curl had come loose from her updo and she brushed it behind her ear. "You scared me. Don't ever sneak up on me like that again."

"Sorry Abigail," he apologized sheepishly, fighting back a grin. "Didn't mean to scare you."

"Well you did." He just smiled at her put out face and she went back to gazing into the distance.

"So, what's on your mind?" he asked, hopping up beside her, the wood creaking under his weight as he settled down next to her.

"Why are you so curious?"

"I don't fascinate me I guess." He replied with a playful shrug and she scrunched her nose up at him and narrowed her eyes.

"Ha Ha. Very funny."

Then he switched the topic. Hopefully he'd get her to open up and he could learn something new. "You missin' home?"

She turned her head and studied his face. Her brown eyes sought out his blue ones and her mouth twisted to the side, a habit, that he noticed she seemed to have whenever she was deciding whether or not to tell him something. She looked away from his face, going back to staring into the vast fields set out before her.

"I guess... but it's not like I'm going back. Not that I can't....." she corrected. "More that I won't."

"Won't? Why? Don't you have any other family?"

"I do," she muttered and pursed her lips. She picked at her blue skirt at imaginary lint and patted out some creases.

"Parents?" he questioned cautiously. He could feel that he was getting somewhere and he didn't want her to clam back up and put up her walls again. He was tired of those damn walls. He just wanted to have a good conversation with the woman and get somewhere in their 'friendship'.

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