Accepting His Love: Chapter Twenty -Five

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Waking up, wrapped in Derek's arms was about as good as it got. In her opinion, at least.

Her face rested in the crook of his left shoulder, her ear laid flat against his chest. The steady 'thump, thump' of his heartbeat underneath her cheek served as a reminder of what she might have lost. Just hearing it made the worries of her life fall away. Derek was alive, and they were together.

To her, that was all that mattered.

She took a deep inhale and let it out slowly.  With the subtle movement she made, Derek's arms tightened further around her, almost crushing her to him, but she didnt mind. It was nice, comforting even, just to have this moment to themselves.  A time where no immediate plans needed to be made in regards to their futures.

Unfortunately, they, thoughts of the future, were still present and Abigail could no longer stop her mind from wandering.  She knew that they couldn't stay in the community they were currently in forever. It was nice, but sooner later, Derek and she would have to move on, and find a way to make it for themselves. Now that Derek was fully healed, they couldn't depend on, or expect, Martha and the others who had helped them thus far, to continue to carry them for the rest of their lives.

To make matters even more complicated, they couldn't go back to where they were before either. Martha had informed her that most of land she'd worked so hard on claiming and cultivating, as well as Derek's, had been consumed by the fire she'd started. Whatever crops that had been growing were naught but ashes, and it was much too late to even begin planting anything for spring.

Abigail sighed and looked at her hand where it lay next to Derek's neck. Her skin, a dark brown, almost the colour of chocolate. Then his, a pale white, due to the lack of decent sun exposure over the past few weeks.

Both different in shade and complexion, but when placed next to one another, they came alive in a blend that complimented each other.

When Abigail looked at their colours together, she saw beauty. When others saw it, they saw a barrier that should never be crossed.

They weren't the social norm. Should they even think to step out, they would be challenging a system that had been going on since slaves were first brought to America.

It could even cost them their lives. Yes.

But they'd already been through one trial and gotten out of it alive.  Surely, God would take them through the rest.

Derek began to stir beneath her and she tilted her head to look at him just as he opened his eyes, groggy from sleep.

"Good morning, darling...."

"Good morning to you too," She responded.

"What's on the agenda today?"

"This," she stated simply and raised her head to kiss his lips.


All throughout the day, Derek had been acting rather strange. They had been perfectly fine this morning.  All kisses and cuddling. 

It all started when he and she had been taking a walk, and they passed the tent for the church.  For a few seconds, he simply froze in his spot and stared at it, as if it was the answer to all of his unanswered questions.  Then a look of dread washed over his face and he hurriedly walked past the looming tent.

After that, he began to act skittish; jumping every time she touched him, and becoming distracted.  She'd practically been talking for almost a half hour when she looked over and realized that he'd been deep in thought; his head lowered and eyebrows furrowed.  In turn, it was making Abigail feel nervous and uncertain about their relationship.

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