im broken...

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(Dont read this chapter unless you want to the sloppy good ending)

Its been...years now,did i make the right choice?i always find myself asking that question
But i know my choice saved others through the loss of one life
Ya....i let him do it,im already broken but when i found him crying in my dreams it shattered me
Hes had to go through the pain with me this time
But atleast we got each other's company

So here i am,back with the toys
In the same position as last time
Should i tell them my story?
Will the result be the same?
At least i know i wont kill again
..i dont expect forgiveness from anyone,i dont deserve it nor their pity an idiot
im back in this situation again,when i arrived at the pizzeria i attempted something stupid,i attempted suicide again hopeing this time i would..die,well i failed
I looked up at toy bonnie,no emotion displayed on my face
"You will never know how it feels to see your freinds being murdered infront of you,having the blood of a child on your fur and relive an event that sent you life into a downwards spiral 2 times over,so give me a reason not to die,give me a fucking reason to live...Toy bonnie"
I watched as his expression changed completely
He took a step back as did the others
I see you didn't succeed foxy...
The voice again...i just call him shadow foxy now
Ya...i didn't,i dont even know anymore,if i die you die to....fuck why did i even try this
it wouldn't be so bad if you succeeded foxy..
"I-im sorry i-we didn't know..."
I looked up at the blue bunny,
"Sigh...its not your fault,iv been broken from the start so-huh?"

I felt a strange feeling shoot throughout my body
I looked up to see them..hugging me?
Why does this feel so strange?
"Well,why dont we try fix that"

I feel strange again
Like a burden he been lifted slightly i crying?
Ya your crying
But why?
Why dont you open your eyes and see,listen to their words

I did what he said..
"Chica get the repair kit,i think he way over due for some repairs" toy freddy...
"Ill get some pizza,gota eat you know" toy bonnie.....
"Dont worry foxy,you dont need to hold back your tear" v-vixen said as she smiled at me

Toy freddy's P.O.V

Its going to take some time,and alot of work but i think we can do this
The puppet told us that he gave whats in his box to someone
And that person will end up here one day,he will be hurt both physically and mentally...he might be broken beyond repair
But we have can-
No will save him,if what the puppet said is true
Then whe have to save him no matter what
Both of them

Mangle/vixens P.O.V

Freddy patted his back as he broke into tears,crying his heart out
Almost screeming
And his little friend...the soul inside of him to,ya we see him all to clear now

He looks alot like foxy,it aronic actually
"Hot pizza coming through!"
"Iv got the tools!here freddy"
Its going to take alot to fix him..
"Eat up you need your strength"
"T-thank you"


(Sooo,i know i said the next chap will be a flashback buuuut i decided not to that)

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