Party Time!!!

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This is the special Chapter for you readers and I really hope you enjoy!! Thank you so much for so many reads and supporting me and the guys! Fyi the picture shows its Christmas but in this story it is not Christmas....ok? Got it.......good :) (you will need headphones for this chapter, if you want XD)

*everyone was bored out of their minds!(Dx)*


Natalie and Oak: Me too *looks at each other and laughs*

Donnie: What should we do?

Natalie and Oak: *looks at each other again and starts to smirk*

Leo: What are you guys thinking about?

Oak: Heeeyyyy Leeeooo

Leo: Yeeeaaahhhh?

Oak: Can we invite some readers into the lair? Pwease!!!

Leo: Why?

Natalie: Because we have +400 reads and we need to thank the readers for supporting us.-

Oak: -So we were wondering if we can have a party at the lair!!

Donnie: I don't know

Oak: Come on! Everyone already knows you guys exist and sort of know where you guys live *laughs nervously*

Mikey: I've always wanted to have a big party here!!

Raph: Why not? We always have a party with just us 4 and it would be different to have people actually partying with us

Natalie: So?

Donnie and Leo: .....Sure

Natalie and Oak: Yay!!! *hugs Donnie/Leo*

Natalie: *takes out phone* *texts* Readers!! Come over to the turtles lair for a celebration!! *finishes texting* *snaps fingers*

Oak: What did you do?

Natalie: I texted the readers, and to make sure it goes to the readers, I also snapped my fingers so the message only goes to them

Oak: Ok!! When are they going to come?

Natalie: In about an hour so we need to start getting things set up!

Everyone except for Natalie: Alright!

Natalie: Mikey, your in charge of the food

Mikey: On it! *runs to kitchen*

Natalie: Oak and Leo, your on decorating duty

Oak and Leo: Ok *runs to a closet that has decorations in it and takes them out*

Natalie: Raph, You are going to go with Mikey to make sure he doesn't put anything gross and also when the readers are at the manhole, you need to help them to find their way here

Raph: Alright *goes to kitchen*

Natalie: Donnie.

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