I wish...

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After Simon had gone to bed, Josh also went to bed, but he couldn't sleep...

Almost as soon as my head touched the pillow, my body started shaking slightly. My throat throbbed and my nose stang, and I started crying - not a lot, just a few tears. I don't understand. Why do I care so much about Simon and his 'love life'? It's his life, nothing to do with me. I'm just his friend.

***4 hours later***

But I'm straight. I like girls. But... I also like Simon. In what way though?... I want him to fall asleep in my arms, I want to cuddle him. I want him all to myself. So I am gay, or is this just friendship? It can't be... Why else would the thought of 'Emon' make me so... jealous.

I'm gay. What should I tell people? probably nothing... it could end in disaster. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, and went to check my phone; 03:32. I then went to unlock it, and clicked on safari. I typed 'minizerk' into the search bar. I need something to lift my heart a little.

I selected 'images' and saw a picture of me and Simon recording, I was smiling at the computer screen, and Simon was smiling at me. He looked so happy to be there... If only he were here now. I scrolled down a little more, to see a picture of him leaning on my shoulder, talking, and I was just watching him, smiling. How long have I liked him..?

I was scrolling down some more, when suddenly there was a knock at the door, "Yeah?" I answered, Simon opened the door and stood in the doorway. I quickly locked my phone and said,
"Can't sleep?" I wish I could go over to him, grab his hand and just pull him into my bed and cuddle him to sleep...
"No... It doesn't look like you can either." He yawned,
"Nope," I replied, tiredly.
"Wanna record something?" He asked looking at me, biting his lip. He looked so cute when he bit his lip.
"Erm Josh?" He said, he must've caught me staring...
"Um sorry, yeah sure - what d'you have in mind?" I said quickly, I hope he doesn't detect that hint of panick in my voice...
"Hmm actually, I don't really feel like recording to be honest, maybe we could just chill or get some food? I don't mind." He said, his indecisiveness was actually kinda cute.
"Food sounds good, I'm starving," I wasn't particularly hungry, but getting some alone time with him might straighten out my feelings a little... Or bend them even more...
"K, Let's go." He said, about to turn around,
"Wait, I need a hoodie." I said digging into the pile of clothes on the floor, and grabbing a black 'SDMN' hoodie.

I followed him out into the dark night air, the cold wind stinging my eyes.
"Haha, are you crying?" Simon laughed,
"No, it's the wind, I promise!" I said, laughing,
"You got some weird eyes." He joked, I just laughed.
"Who's driving?" Simon asked,
"I will." I said, being the gentleman I am.
"SHOTGUN!" he called, I burst out laughing,
"There's no-one else here you idiot." I laughed at him, his idiocy only increased my love for him...
"Shhh." Simon laughed.


We were sat in costa, Simon had a hot chocolate, and I had a mocha latte (whatever that is). Costa was pretty much empty apart from a young couple sat in the corner, chatting away.
"It's too empty in here, I don't like it." Simon says,
"Neither, let's sit outside somewhere." I said,
"Sounds good."

Simon lead me to a bench nearby, and we sat next to eachother. Oh how i wish he would rest his head on my shoulder. What wouldn't I give to put my arm around him...
"I've never been interested in stars, but they actually look really pretty tonight." Simon says, gazing at the sky. I looked up,
"Yeah," I said, I pointed upwards, and slightly to the left, "That one's Orion, and um.. that's all I got." I laughed, Simon laughed too.
"Brrr I'm cold." he shivered,
"Well you did just come out in a T-shirt, silly." I laughed, he pouted at me.
"Shh, I didn't think we'd be outside." I wish i could pull off my hoodie and give it to him, I wish I could pull him close and kiss his forehead. I wish...

Heheh hope you enjoyed that! Will hopefully have another chapter out either tonight or tomorrow.. Left ya on a bit of a cliffhanger. Also, thankyou so much for 5 votes!!!
That's all for now:).
Aaand Seeya🌻

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