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I was on my way to hospital again, Simon should be awake in about an hour, or so. I was still upset about his previous... intentions... but I was excited to see him all the same.

I arrived, and was directed to his ward. His pale face reflected the light in all the right places, he was beautiful. His chiselled features stood out perfectly, and he looked so peaceful. I wanted to join him, I wanted to cuddle up next to him and tell him everything was going to be alright...

The actual ward looked like any other, but there were no tubes or heartrate monitors, which was a definite relief. I sat by his side and took his hand, which fitted perfectly in mine. I wasn't sure what I was going to say to him when he woke up, I wanted to plan it in my head, but nothing sounded right.

His eyes flickered open for a second, and my heart skipped a beat. Even if he was expected to wake up, It still seemed like a miracle. He blinked again, this time I collapsed into his body and hugged him close. It felt so good to be wrapped in his warmth once again.

"I love you Simon. Never do that again." I said into his shoulder. There was a short pause, before he nervously patted my back and said,
"Um yeah hey Josh. Um, do you think you could maybe get off me?" He sounded nervous. Oh wait, was be still hung up about the prank.
"Simon, I can explain everything. Basically, it was all a prank. Set up by the Cal's and Harry, but he took it too far. I never meant to kiss him, and he didn't either. You're the one I love." I said, pulling away from him slightly, so we were face to face.
"What are you talking about? And why am I in hospital?" He said, his face held a quizzical expression. Simon rubbed the back of his neck, whilst I pondered of what to say. What is he on about? Is this some kind of joke?
"Simon, you are my boyfriend. You thought I cheated on you with Harry, so you got pissed off and tried to," I gulped, "Tried to, well kill yourself." I whispered the last bit because it hurt to say.
"Josh... I-I'm straight."

This is honestly emotional to write. Aghggahg. How are y'all liking this lil' plot twist? Mehehhe.
Thanks for reading:).
Aaand Seeya🌻

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