Chapter 25 - I would rather have you beside me alive - Authours note

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~Chapter 25 – I would rather have you beside me alive…~



 I blame myself; I don’t blame anyone but myself. I watched her fall, I pushed Jethro into her. I watched her fear unfold in front of me, and all because of this petty fight. I couldn’t believe it was happening, and before I knew what was going on, I jumped in after her.

 I watched her flail and wash away, the river was swallowing her in charging hold of her. As she tried to breathe to get free. She was scared, I watched her dunk her head in and out. Moreover, I cursed, I swore a million times and breathed harsher as she was being washed away.

 I saw Jethro on the river side jumping in and taking hold, as he swam furiously towards her. Her black hair blended beautifully into the river, as it washed her down. I saw his frustration as he tried to grab her, as he tried to hold her. He managed after a few minutes, I tried to swim towards him but I was too late by the time I reached him.

 The current washed her away again, as if death was swallowing her in this whirlpool of fear. Tears of frustration burned down my face, as I tried to reach for her. I called her name, she didn’t respond.

 She was gone; I saw her head drown downwards.

 I saw the whirl of blood swirling around her like paint, and I knew that she was dead. In addition, I cursed and screamed a thousand times, till there was no strength or voice left in me.


 I blame myself; I don’t know what I was doing. I was supposed to help her not destroy her. What was I doing? I was supposed to help her, why in the world did it come to this. I breathed in the cold air that splashed around me.

 I felt her beside me, so cold her eyes were shut. And I knew one thing that I feared in my heart, she was gone. I blamed myself for this, this was like 2 years ago happening like a cycle. Ruining my life over and over again what was happening.

 If only we didn’t fight, I felt her slip away as I reached for her. Again and again, I watched her body sink into the water, like dead weight. I cursed and screamed, I rushed more forward only to have the water spit back in my face in rage.

 Tears burned behind my eyelids but I didn’t let it fall, I was afraid. I saw Mason, I saw him nod I saw him coming towards me. And we both figured the worst when we saw the blood.

 It was my fault again, and I couldn’t protect her once again. I couldn’t hold her I couldn’t do anything.

 If only we didn’t fight would she be here? Would she be standing here with us? Watching us? Smiling her smile, or being angry with a frown on her lips? What would we say to her? Apologize?

 Would she hate us forever?

 Questions ran through my mind like a bullet. Moreover, I had no time to think, it was cold, the air was freezing and the water was below temperature. Yet we couldn’t do anything, we sucked in air and dove underneath again, repeating the steps one by one, until we were exhausted.

 We were supposed to protect her.

 Just like a miracle the body floated towards the tree trapped, we rushed towards her dragged her out to safety and watched her.

 She was numb, she wasn’t breathing. Her eyes were shut tight.

 We screamed her name over and over, we waited till help came, and we did CPR.

 We cried we let our tears fall, hoping, wishing she would wake up.

 I held on to her cold body and cried.

 She was gone.

 Moreover, we couldn’t help her, we couldn’t save her.

 We failed,

 We loved her.


Re- editied! And tidy, the next chapters are up soon! :D

Thank you for the patience! :D

MonkeyMagik <3

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