Chapter 27 - Break time baby

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~Chapter 27 – Break time baby…~


So here, it was like a breath of fresh air, I got two weeks off from school. Moreover, working with the Ebner boys, so I was a free girl. Then I realized how the hell was I going to get my income? So here I am, in Lazarus beach, south end. Working shifts at a local café bar hoping to get enough money, to survive for now. In addition, the gang let’s just say they look like they were having a blast. I watched all of them walk towards the sea playing games.

God I envied them right now, I was stuck here wearing a t-shirt and shorts, which felt too tight on me for some reason. Moreover, I was not going to wear a bathing suit, I felt exposed already why make it worse. It was simple getting the job though; at least I don’t have to pay for a room. As the boys had a summer home here, so I wasn’t worrying too much. This job would just help me here and there, I guess since I need it now more than ever. Serving the people wasn’t bad, they were pretty friendly and some people kept commenting on me too. So it were all good I guess.

But one thing that I knew that took my breath away was, the boys. Considering, they looked amazing without their usual attire. I watched a whole crowd swoon over them, before they headed to the sea, how blissful it was to be young. I saw two figures coming towards the café, and I knew they wanted to see if I felt lonely. A sweet gesture, but I felt so awkward with them beside me. That I kept myself busy as much as possible even though today wasn’t.

“Can’t you take a break?” asked Jethro as he sat down with mason in tow, I placed a menu in front of them and waited.

"I can't I have another hour left" I replied as I held my note pad

Might I say they looked pretty good right now, I mean edible to be exact. There body gleamed from the oceans sweat, and I felt myself blush and gulp this was so not good. I looked at Mason, first whose body was lithe but had a nice tone to it. But when I looked Jethro, I felt disgusted at myself to be drooling over a boy, who looked really good with his little packs and all was I a paedophile in making?

“Anything to order” I replied waiting

“Coke please with lots of ice” Jethro asked as he looked at me, squinting suspiciously at me and I felt nervous.

"Aren't you hot?" Mason asked clearing his throat

"I am, but I don't like wearing swimsuits" I mumbled

"But you wouldn't be suffering if you wore it though" Jethro replied

"Yeah, but I would rather be happy having no pervs stare at me while I work" I replied blushing didn't they realize that I actually had big racks. In addition, I know that would garner attention and I hated that.

“Touché” Jethro muttered staring down and then looking back at my face quickly, hoping I didn’t notice but I did at what he did.

“Ok well, I will get your drinks.” I replied and walked off hoping the day would end quickly.

It was well, they both just sat there doing nothing but play on their phones. While I waited tables for the next half hour, I had another half left but I was busy tidying up a mess. When Anthea and Elias walked in flushed and happy, made me smile in a nice way. I saw Sierra draw up close to Mason who moved, to let her sit which was cute really. I really did wonder if Mason actually cared for me in a way.

I mean I am attracted to both the boys, but I shouldn’t be holding these feelings should I. As I am not entitled to do this. I was working up a sweat and I was really hot, the sun wasn’t even setting what was this? I watched the gang talk to each other we came a long way, that’s all I could think while I wiped the tables, and looked at them once or twice. Envious and very much in love with all of them. I was as much of part of them as they were with me, and I was so glad I met them. Maybe my mother did something right for once, and made sure I wouldn’t suffer. Not that the first month or so wasn’t horrific, it was.

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