Chapter 8

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Gabby looked at herself in the mirror, trying to decide if she looked as nervous as she felt. Her stomach was fluttering and her palms were sweating. "Geesh, Gabby, you'd think this was the first day of school or something." she told her reflection.

A glance at her hand told her it was much bigger than that. This was the day she was taking her rings off. It was also the day she and Clint had chosen for their house-warming party. The day when everyone in Miller's Creek would see her as a single woman again, not just a widow. At least, everyone important to her.

Last weekend would have been her first anniversary with Austin, so they had purposely waited until the end of June to throw this party. She figured it would give her something positive to look forward too. But the passing of her anniversary hadn't been as hard as she anticipated. The day had been sad and she still ached for all that could have been, the life that Austin never got to finish. But once it was over she decided it was time to take the rings off and let go. Austin was in Heaven, living the life God created them for. She was still here, determined to move forward and see what God had in store for her. And she was hoping it had something to do with Clint.

"Well, here it goes." she whispered. Taking a deep breath she slid the wedding band and engagement ring from her finger and dropped them both into her silk jewelry satchel. She could feel her chest tighten but no tears came. Another deep breath and the feeling eased. It was okay. She was okay. She was once again just Gabby; the marriage bond that made her Mrs. Austin Reese was gone.

"Gabby, are you coming? People are arriving!" Garth bellowed up the stairs.

Gabby jumped and then laughed at her reflection. "Ready as I'll ever be."

She stopped to tuck the satchel into her sock drawer and then headed downstairs, ready for this party, ready for a life on her own. She and Clint had gone all out, hiring a country band and buying all the food instead of cooking. The plan was to have as much fun as possible.

The guest list included both their families as well as friends, some Gabby hadn't seen since High School. She smiled as she made her way to the kitchen. "Bring it on Lord. I'm ready for whatever's next." she whispered.

* * * * * * * * * *

Clint finished directing the band to the small stage behind the "dance floor" and then headed towards the deck. Annie and Gabby were leaning on the railing, talking and laughing. He stopped short when he saw his mom reach for Gabby's left hand and caress her fingers.

The rings were gone.

In only six months she had worked up the courage to take them off and become a single woman again. He felt his heart skip a beat and his mouth go dry. What a day to make a statement like that! The same day she was celebrating moving into a home with a man; a man who was neither her husband nor her baby's father. He couldn't help but chuckle at the irony.

He glanced again at her bare left hand, wondering what it meant. Mostly, what it meant for him. Not ready to address that question yet he altered course and went to greet the guests trickling in from the driveway.

* * * * * * * * * *

Everyone enjoyed dinner and the company. Many of the guests had brought both housewarming gifts and baby gifts. Everyone was disappointed to hear that Gabby didn't know the sex. She explained that she had been waiting until she was armed with names. What she didn't tell them was that she had finally decided on a boy name. That was something she wanted to share with Clint first.

The band started playing once dessert was served and people were ready to let loose. Clint and Gabby spent a lot of time apart, visiting with everyone. The three Webster/Elliot siblings were in high demand as it had been a long time since the family in Miller's Creek had seen them. Paula finally caught Gabby alone to ask, "Has he noticed the rings are gone?"

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