Chapter 4

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Gabby awoke later than usual on her second day in Miller's Creek. At least later than usual since Austin's death. She had been up until midnight reminiscing with the photo albums. It had taken her awhile to fall asleep once she had made it to bed. She found herself assaulted by memories, ones that hadn't surfaced for years, mostly because they had no place in Danington. Austin had known about the kidnapping, not because she had broadcast it but because it had been hard to hide her twice a week sessions with the psychologist. But it had never really been talked about and was almost completely forgotten when she was pronounced "cured". Forgotten by everyone but her. She wondered now if the memories of that horrid ordeal were still as visible to Clint as they were to her. She knew he carried with him a constant reminder in the scar left by the bullet that had ripped through his shoulder. He couldn't forget. But did he truly remember?

Sighing, she crawled from bed and pushed her thoughts aside. Why dwell on it when it had happened six years ago? Things were different now. She was different now. A lot had happened in that short time span. Everyone had grown up. She'd gotten married.

"And widowed." she reminded herself, glancing down at her wedding ring. She wondered how long it would take her before she was ready stop wearing it.

Thinking of Austin made her think of Bob and she knew it was time to call and check on him. He had sustained some massive internal injuries and broken bones but the doctors were predicting a 100% recovery.

After a brunch of tea and toast to appease another bout of queasy stomach she pulled out her cell and placed a call to Bob's hospital room. Evie answered.

"Hey Evie, it's Gabby."

"Gabby, honey, hello! How are you?"

Gabby felt a sudden rush of emotion at the woman's voice. Evie was such a wonderful person and an excellent mother-in-law. "I'm doing okay. How's Bob?"

"He's doing well. They just took him for therapy. He'll be so upset that he missed your call. He was disappointed that he didn't see you before you left."

Gabby smiled. "I'm glad to hear they have him up and about. And I've always got my cell on me. He can give me a call sometime since I always seem to make contact at the wrong time."

Evie chuckled. "I'll tell him that. You sound good. Have you settled in out there?"

"I have. Annie Jackson is just as hospitable as you. Clint and I visited with Sam and her husband last night which really helped lighten my spirits. I was actually able to eat a good meal for once. I guess I hadn't realized how much I missed this place."

And she hadn't. But as she looked around Annie's kitchen she knew she was glad to be home again.

"Well, you keep taking care of yourself. I'll tell Bob to give you a call soon."

"Thanks Evie. Love you."

Evie's voice caught as she answered, "Love you too. Bye now."

Gabby ended the call with an odd mix of emotions. She loved the Reese's dearly and really missed them, missed the family she had with Austin. But her link to them was gone. They weren't really her in-laws anymore. She wasn't sure now which she longed for more: her life with Austin in Danington or to be back with her family here in Miller's Creek.

The thought was unsettling. What was happening? Austin had been gone only three weeks and she found herself already feeling distanced from the life they'd shared. Was that normal? Was she really moving on or had her trip to Miller's Creek simply been running away?

* * * * * * * * * *

Gabby spent the rest of her day catching up with family around Miller's Creek, some via phone and a couple over afternoon coffee. The radio DJs were still taking about snow and not long after everyone returned home for the evening it started.

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