Chapter 7

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Clint recruited help the next morning to go finish some work at the homestead. Gabby's family was anxious to see it anyway and he figured they'd be willing to lend a hand to the process. What he hadn't counted on was the limited amount of sleep he'd gotten the night before.

He'd headed to bed shortly behind Gabby and even though he'd crawled under the covers intending to sleep, his mind wouldn't let him. Or maybe his heart. Both organs seemed to have it in for him lately. Neither one of them knew what to make of the conversation he'd had with Gabby.

He thought about it now as he dressed, still not sure what to think of it. Or her. He hadn't been prepared for the way she looked at him last night. His heart had nearly stopped when he stepped into the living room and met her gaze. He knew she loved him. She always would. They were friends, bonded for life, always around to support the other. But she wasn't in love with him. There hadn't been anything romantic between them in quite some time. Then he'd looked into her face, her eyes - and he saw it. For the first time since they'd called it quits all those years ago, he'd seen it - romantic love.

He had no idea what was going through her mind or heart and she hadn't done anything to help him figure that out. The conversation left him more confused than ever. He was sure of one thing: She had felt it too. He hadn't misread what he'd seen on her face. But the question that remained was much more important. Did she still feel it? Or had it just been attached to the memory of him, not the real thing?

The ache in his heart was fresher than it had ever been and coupled with the fatigue from the short night's sleep, he hoped he made it through the day.

* * * * * * * * *

Gabby sat around the kitchen table with her mother, Annie, Paula, Trish and Rene. Breakfast was over, the boys had all left to work on the homestead, and now the day loomed in front of them. But so far, they didn't know what to do.

Jill looked at Gabby, sipping a cup of coffee, and asked, "Have you bought anything for the nursery yet?"

Gabby shook her head, feeling a bit sheepish. "No. Those baby books we had at the airport yesterday are the first real baby things I've gotten. It took me awhile to get used to the idea of being pregnant and I haven't really gotten into the Mommy mode yet."

A look of concern crossed Jill's face and Annie must have caught it because she reached out to pat Jill's hand. "Don't worry Jill. We wouldn't have let the baby arrive without at least a pack of diapers. She's got plenty of guardian angels out here."

Jill smiled. "Oh, Annie, I know. I still worry though." She turned to Gabby. "I'm your mother and I feel like I should be here, helping you through all this."

"It was my decision to come back here Mom. You didn't force me to move away."

"I know. I just want to make sure you're doing all right." She took a deep breath and smiled again. "Well, then, I guess Evie's request was a good one."

Gabby's brow furrowed. "What request?"

"She asked that we take you shopping. She gave me a little money to buy you some baby things since we can't really throw you a proper shower. So, I say we go do that today."

Paula and Trish both cheered in agreement. "Oh, I love looking at baby things. They're so cute and little." Trish cooed.

Annie nodded her consent too.

Gabby sighed. She didn't have a say in this, not that she minded. "Looks like we're going shopping."

And that's how they spent their Easter Saturday. Gabby was glad that Annie had a minivan because once they were done they needed that space to fit all the stuff. Gabby had protested more than once at the amount of items Jill and Annie were purchasing but they both ignored her.

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