Chapter ø5: Shopping With Jacey!

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Hey beautiful. You ready?

Jacob texted. I responded Yes and continue to do my hair. The prom is in two days and Jacey, Jacob, Adrienne, Shad, and I are going shopping for prom stuff. If you didnt know who Shad was, it was the dude who asked Adrienne out to prom before I can even find her a perfect date. He is a little cutie though.

I put on my UGG boots and straightened out my jacket. I was wearing a black pink dolpin draw-string  hoodie, black leggins, and some blue UGG boots. I grabbed my phone and my wallet, then put them in my hoodie pocket. I had about 1,000 dollars to buy my stuff with and my parents gave me an extra 500. See, they couldnt stay mad at me.

"Hey Mommy, Hey Daddy." I greeted both of them with a kiss on the cheek.

They were both cooking dinner doing two different things.

"Hey Honey." They both said in unison.

I went in the living room and sat down on the couch. I pulled out my phone and post a picture I took a few minutes ago. I got on twitter and posted a status.

@Sydney; If you let go of the past, the past will let go of you. Time to move on!

I put my phone down beside me and turned the channel on tv. My phone buzzed and I had got a text from Jacob.

Im outside. =]

I grabbed my house keys and said my goodbyes to my parents. I walked out to Jacob's car to see Jacey smiling out the window. I giggled and got into the passenger seat and put on my seat belt.

"Hey guys." I said in a happy manner.

"Hey Sydney!" Jacey excitedly yelled.

"Hey Syd." Jacob said with a smiled. He put the car in drive and drove to the store named A Night In Paris. Its a prom store.


"Do you two have to wear the same color?" Jacey asked looking at dresses.

"Yeah Jacey. Wanna pick our color?" Jacob asked, stooping down to her level.

"What abooout..... this one!" Jacey yelled pulling on a light blue fitted dress.

"Just pick out some dresses and Ill try them on, okay?" I told Jacey .

"Okay!" Jacey replied running around the store looking at dresses.

Jacob ran after her running grabbing the dresses she picked up.

I giggled and looked around myself. I saw a few dresses and I decided to try them on along with the ones Jacob and Jacey picked out.


"Eewwe! I like this one." Jacey said pointing at the dress I was wearing.

I was wearing a strapless dress with green, violet, and purple rinstones going across, and light purple fabric belt underneath, and the rest purple at the top and from the waist and down sky blue.

I actually like it too, but I dont know if we can get the same colors from Jay. It was the last dress I tried on and I went back in to change into the clothes I came in. I was tired and hungry!

"I like the last dress too." Jacob said finally putting his phone down. He has been taking pitures of me and dresses all day.

"Lets get it."I suggested.

"Ight. Lets go! Jacob is hungry." He groaned and put the dresses on the table by the dressing room.

"Im hungry too." Jacey whined grabbing Jacob's hand.

She is soo cute! I walked up to cash register and put my dress on the table. She scanned the dress and typed in some stuff on the register.

"$850.00" The lady at the register annouced.

"Woah!" Jacob yelled as his eyes widen.

I giggled and took the money out and gave it to her.

"Who gave you all that money?" Jaxob asked folding his arms.

"I earned it and my parents gave me some money." I said grabbing my dress.

"Cool. Ready to go?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

He grabbed Jacey's hand and put the other on my hip. I blushed as we walked out to his car. I laid the dress out in the trunk. I got into the car and put my seat belt on. We went to get Jacob's suit and out to eat!


Sorry its short my phone was finna diee!

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