Chapter ø8: Butterflies and fireworks...

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I woke in the hotel room me, Jacob, Adrienne, and Shad stayed in. We had our prom here because it was a nice ass hotel. For the after prom we went go a club called Glitter and we were too turnt.

I looked around the room and didnt see Jacob, Adrienne, or Shad. They probably went downstairs to get breakfast. I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put my messy hair into a ponytail and on my slippers. I put the hotel key into my pajama pants pocket and exited the room.

I walked to the elevator and pressed 1. The doors were about to close, but someone stuck their hand in between the doors. I sighed once I found out it was Chresanto.

"Sydney..." Chresanto called out. I ignored and kept looking forward.

"Look Sydney im sorry." Chresanto blurted.

"Ya know you didnt have to do it Chresanto. You couldve just asked instead of going behind my damn back to fuck my best friend. You're so dirty! I dont want anything to do with you." I said rushing to walk out the opening elevator doors.

"Aahhh. There's my queen." Jacob said hugging me from behind.

"Good morning." I said as I buried my blushing face.

"Awwwe. You're blushing!" Jacob yelled poking my cheeks between my open finger.

"Shhhh. This is a hotel. People are trying to sleep." I said turning around putting my finger on his lip.

"I wonder how your lips feel." Jacob said looking down at my lips.

"Are you hands clean?" I asked looking at his hand.

"I feel your lips, and you feel my lips at the same time." Jacob said pulling me close to him.

"Touch awa-" before I could finished what I wanted to say. Jacob crashed his lips into mine. His lips were sooo soft. Butterflies exploding like fireworks in my stomach, my knees getting weaker and weaker at the moment. He pulled away and looked me in my eyes.

"How does my lips feel?" Jacob asked taking the pony tail holder out of my hair.

"They are soft. Can I go eat now?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Im not stopping you." Jacob said putting his hands up in defense.

"Did you have breakfast already?" I asked.

"Nope." Jacob answered shrugging.

"Come eat with me than." I said holding out my hand.

Jacob grabbed my head and we went to get breakfast.


Hey girl, I like what you got on

How about you take it off

Its just you and me dont be shy

Baby show me what chu working with

Damn, your so fine

I never seen a body so devine

What cha wanting on, come and get it

Baby I just wanna little bit

Better yet, Take all of me

All of me

Cause I just wanna give you my all

So can you take all of me?

All of me

Your body's telling me what chu want

So imma give it all

I looked in Jacob's eyes as he sang to me in out hotel room. We got bored so he just volunteered to see to me. I wonder why he picked this song though. I dont think that he is a freak though. Plus I knew he wouldnt do such thing if we are sharing a room with two other people.

"I love the way you sing Jacob." I said looking up at him.

"Thank you." Jacob said before kissing my forehead.

"Jacob can I ask you something?" I asked turning around facing him.

"Baby you just did." Jacob answered.

"Did you change or did that song just rub off on you?" I asked feeling his forehead.

"I dont know." Jacob said stroking my hair.

"Dont you have feelings for me Jacob?" I asked looking down fiddling with my fingers.

"I dont like you Sydney, Im sorry." Jacob said.

My eyes began to water. I just dont understand. He kissed me like he liked me. He took me to prom like he liked me. Or he just likes me as a friend. He probably doesnt like me like that either.

Jacob lift my head up so that I was looking at him. He whipped the tear that recently fell from my eye. He looked me in my eyes and sighed.

"I dont like you Sydney, I love you." Jacob said before crashing his lips into mine. He gently pushed my back down on the bed placing himself in between my legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. He began planting kisses on my neck and sucking it gently. I moaned softly and pushed him off me gently.

"Im not ready." I confessed.

"Ooooh. Yall trynna get freaky!" Shad and Adrienne yelled walking into the room.

Jacob sat up and rubbed the back of his neck, "Im sorry." He said before laying down.

"Its okay." I kissed his cheek and got out of bed.

"We went to go get some swim suits. Theres gonna be a pool party downstairs. Pick which ever." Adrienne said throwing two bags on our bed.

I grabbed the orange and green floral swim suit and turned the tv on. I laid down and watched Jumanji.

"When is this party?" I asked looking over my shoulder.

"5:00. You have 1 hour to spare." Adrienne said grabbing the bag she gave me off the bed.

"Do you forgive me?" Jacob asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You did nothing wrong Jacob." I answered.

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