chapter 19: surprises.

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i got home from work about 7 o'clock. it was sunset and my parents had the living room lights on. it was surprising that the lights were on and they were home.

they'd usually go out or be asleep. i stuck my key into the door knob, twisted the key and the door knob twisted along with it, then the door open. why is the door unlock?

i snatched my key out pushing the door open. i walked inside the house closing the door behind me, locking it also. i heard talking coming from the family. something about me.

i took my jacket off, hanging it on my coat rack. i walked to the back to the family room. i peeked inside of the door and saw prince's mom.

she looked up from the photo album and saw me peeking through the door. i had no choice but to go in. "Sydney!!" princes mom threw the book off her lap standing from the couch, pulling me into a hug.

she pulled away looking at me in amazement. she began rubbing my stomach, smiling wide. "how the baby?" , "she's been kicking my ass." i answered honestly.

yes, i am pregnant. but i'm not sure if it's issa's child. me and issa had sex 5months and a week ago. but im 6 months along.

princes mom giggles. "where's prince?" i asked. "oh dear, he went out to get groceries with your dad." she announced sitting back down. "my mom?" , "downstairs getting more pictures." i mentally rolled my eyes. "excuse me." i said nicely before going down to the basement.

"mom.", "yes, sydney?" my mom answered turning around with two handful of photos. "why didnt you tell me prince and his mom were coming here?" i asked folding my arms over my chest. "it was suppose to be a surprise." my mom said. "well, its not. when do they leave?" i asked with a slight attitude.

"their apartment got flooded. they are gonna be staying here for awhile." my mom brushes past me going up the stairs. i followed behind her. she went back to the family room and i went into mine. i went into my bedroom bathroom taking my clothes off slon the way. i closed the bathroom door, then turned on the hot water.

the shower squirted out stinging my skin. i washed myself, rinsed soap off. i turned the water off, exiting the shower. i wrapped a big towel around my body.

i exited my room making my way to the kitchen. i wasn't afraid to be in the towel bc my dad nor prince were here yet. i opened the fridge getting out a juice box and a piece of fudge cheese cake in a container.

i closed the fridge turned around and say prince and my dad coming in with groceries. I grabbed a fork rushing to my room but they caught me before i hit the door.

"Sydney, may i ask why you have no clothes on?" my dad asked. i mentally rolled my eyes, "well, you two weren't here and i was just getting a snack." i answered. Prince stared at my stomach. i looked at him weirdly, but motioned him into my room.

he came inside sitting down on my couch. i sat my snack on my bed. i slid my panties on under the towel throwing a white tshirt over my head pulling it down over the towel, then pulls the towel out.

i know im difficult. jacob stood from the couch walking over to my bed sitting down. he grabbed me by my waist pulling me in between his legs, caressing my belly with his hands. "how is my baby girl?" i forgot to mention. this is prince's child. and im glad it is. he is very good with children and i know he'll be a great father.

"she doing fine." i informed him. "when is the baby due?", "november 18th." ," damn. my girlfriends birthday is that day." i didn't know he had a girlfriend and i was quite pissing of the fact.

"well, what ever you think is more important, thats where you should be." i said with a slight attitude grabbing my snack from off the bed walking over to the couch, taking a seat.

"definitely the birth of my child." let remind you. this is his first time seeing me after he left. the first time seeing me pregnant, with his child.


there are only going to be a few more chapters until this book ends.

but if you could take the time, and wait for my new book (preface) that is been published in two hours, i would surely appreciated.

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