Chapter 17: Messed up.

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"Guys!" I yelled out into the house. I closed the door behind me looking up the stairs. I threw my car keys on the table and plopped down on the couch. I grabbed the remote and turned the tv on. I watched what ever came on, which was Victorious. I had just came back from the gym with Zonnique. We talked yesterday last night and she agreed to staying friends. Me and Adrienne became distant because I hang with Zonnique more, but it wasnt like she was trying to hang. The only person she talks is Jacob, (perez.).

The door bell rang. I groaned and forced myself to answer the door. I answer the door there stood Issa. I stared at him blankly. He just laughed and walked in with out,my saying. I closed the door and sat on the couch. He looked at me and smiled. I shook my head and turned the tv off. "Whats up, because you just dont come to peoples house uninvited.","Nothing. I just got bored and you were the only thing on my mind.","oh really?.","really.."I said looking at him. he leaned in softly kissing my lips. i grabbed onto his shirt kissing back,he pushed his body to mine, laying me back on the couch. he laid in between my legs,slowly grinding himself against me. our breathing became heavier as we strip each others clothes off, something unexpected happen that i cant even explain.


he pecked my lips slowly while holding both sides of my face. "ill see you tonight?", "yes issa. now go before my family gets back.","i love you ma.","i like you too, now go." i pecked his lips once more and pushed him out the door. he stumbled turning around walking to his car. "i love you ma." he said looking at me, holding his car door. I sighed looking up at him, " i love you too". he smiled and got into his car. right when he drove off my parent drove up. i closed and locked the door running around fixing the living room. i put on the rest of my clothes. i sprayed air freshener and ran up to my room closing the door and jumping in bed. i turned my tv on and no one came to check in on me. sooner or later i had fallen asleep.


comment some ideas for the next chapter. only picking a few.


"Sydney wake up." I fluttered my eyes open, issa was sitting in my face. "What're you doing here?" I asked sitting up on my elbows. "I can't come visit you?", "Isn't too early for-","It's 12 in the afternoon Syd." He chuckled caressing my cheek. He began to peck my lips, soon turning into kissing. He climbed ontop of me, wrapping my arms around his neck. He lifted the cover over his back, covering us both. It began to get hot under there, causing us to take each others clothes off. Our breathing became heavier as we kissed all over each other. My room door busted open. Me and Issa immediately paused. "Use a condom please." My mom chuckled closing the door behind her. I sighed, rolling my eyes. Issa looked at me and chuckled. "Wanna continue?","I cant.","Why?","You know why." I pushed his off of me and sat up. im messing up.

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