Chapter ø7: A Time Of Our Lives..

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I looked in the mirror as I twirled in my dress. Today is the day I go off to prom. I was wearing the dress I bought wednesday and a pair a red bottom, stilettos. I got my hair dyed and cut shoulder lenght. I might say I look good.

"You look beautiful." My dad said appearing in the mirror behind me.

"Thank you daddy." I said turning around to face me.

"You're growing up so fast." My dad said caresing my cheek.

I chuckled, "Daddy Im only going to prom." I said.

"I kn-","Come on now, Jacob is here." My mom interrupted.

I kissed my dads cheeked and followed my mom to the stair case. As I stood there for a minute and began walking downstairs. I spotted Jacob with his back facing me. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder.

Jacob turned and shoot me a breath taking smile. He grabbed my handed and twirled me around. At the moment a felt beautiful for once. I began looking Jacob up and down. He looked very good in the white suit he had bought. He had his hair braided again which made me smile. I liked when his hair was braided.

"Come on. I dont wanna die looking at you guys eye each other down. Lets take some pictures." My dad yelled taking pictures of me and Jacob.

Jacob got behind me and wrapped his arms around my waisted. My cheek began turning red and I began to look down.

"Dont look down, you're too beautiful to be hiding your face." Jacob whispered into my ear.

I smiled and turned around to hug him, "You always know how to put a smile on my face." I said.

"Its what I do best." Jacob said with a slight smile.

"Awwwe. Now come on I have a surprise for you." My mom said opening the front door.

Jacob wrapped his hand around my waist and lead me out the door. All I could do was blush and smile when he touches me mentally and physically. When me and Jacob stepped on foot on the porch, people in my lawn immediately start clapping. I felt like a super star.

Cameras started flashing. Me and Jacob began posing like prom couples would usually pose. I took pictures with some on Jacobs friends and family along with mine. I had my mom take pictures on my phone. I got to meet Jacobs parents and they are very nice just like their children.

"Aye beautiful. Can I have a picture?" A voice behind me asked.

I say as I turn around, "Su- Sonjay!" I yelled squeezing him in a hug.

"Hey lil sis." Sonjay said.

"I miss you so much. What are you doing her?" I asked with this huge ass smile on my face.

"Im on summer break and I heard my lil sis was going on prom today, you know I had to fly down here." Sonjay said bringing me into another hug.

"Thanks for coming Sonjay." I said.

"Anything for my little sister." Sonjay said before kissing my forehead.

I smiled and looked around for Jacob. I spotted him with my parents. "Jacob, come her for a second!" I yelled.

He walked over and gave me a questioning look.

"Sonjay, this is my date Jacob. Jacob this is my older brother Sonjay." I introduce.

They shook each others hand and said they were nice to meeg each other. My geeked mom took a picture. She takes pictures of everything.

"Adrienne is here!" My dad yelled.

A black car had parked in front of the house. Adrienne got out of the car looking beautiful as can be. She had on a light pink dress and he belly was showing! It could've been a two piece but the cross in the front was attached to both.

Shad follow right behind her and my mom butted everyone to get some pictured. Adrienne chuckled and walked up to me and Jacob.

"Hey!" Adrienne yelled pulling us into a hug.

"Hey Adrienne." Me and Jacob said in unison.

"You guys look nice." Adrienne complimented.

"You guys too." Me and Jacob said in unison again.

"Before this get anymore awkward. Can we leave?" Shad asked. I knew he was growing impatient.

"Yes lets got." Adrienne, Jacob, and I all agreed. We got into the limo that was parked in the middle of the street and headed to prom.


"The prom queen is......" Craig started. The drum roll began for awhile then stopped. "Sydney Lopes!" He yelled into yhe microphone.

I smiled and took one step up into the spot light. Who would've thought I would win prom queen, I didnt!

Craig put the crown on my head and pulled out the other envelope." And the prom king is..." the drum roll again. "Chresanto August!" my whole rolled stopped.

I was livid. I am not finna slow dance with him. Someone else can have this crown. I took the crown and satch off and gave it to Trinity. I took the mic from Craig and sighed.

"You people maybe shocked I gave my crown to her. I dont care. My nana told me to always give to the less fortunate and thats what I did. Have a great night." I said. I gave the mic back to Craig and walked off the stage and walked to my wonderful date.

"May I have this dance?" Jacob asked politely holding out his hand.

I grabbed his hand, "Yes you may." I answered.

Jacob stepped in and twirled me around and wrapped his arms around mg waist. I wrapped my arms around his torso. We swayed back and forth to the slow song that was playing through the speakers. I laid mg head on his shoulder and enjoyed the moment while I could.

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