Chapter 15: Stress...

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I was seating at the dinner table eating breakfast with everyone. They are gonna be leaving next week. (Its Sunday) I was eating my breakfast and glances at everybody every once and a while. I was very disappointed at Adrienne and Jacob. How they attack Jacob and Zonnique like that was foul. First off, Zonnique and Jacob cancelled there plans to make me feel better, but Adrienne and Jacob wanna go out with everyone else.

I put my fork down on my plate and got up from the table. I grabbed my plate and threw the remander of my food in the trash. I put my plate in the sink and walk back into the dinning room being stopped by this question that was very obvious. " Are you that mad at us?" Jacob asked. I folded my arms and looked at him. "Yes I am, because you two attacked them for no damn reason. They did nothing to you two.", "Watch your mouth Sydney." My mom said.

I mentally rolled my eyes at her. "I had my reason and you know that." Jacob said looking at me. "Yeah, because you thought Jacob was going to still me from you. Thats not gonna happen. I told you multiple times that I didnt want him. You said that you werent gonna let him get to you Jacob, but you let him!" I said yelling a bit. "I dont know why they were here anyway..." Adrienne mumbled.

I glared at her and rolled my eyes. "They were over here because all of you bailed out on even trying to take care of me. Yall acting like I got a disease that you get from breathing the same air as. They were here for me. They cancelled their plans to hang with me, unlike my own family, best friends, and possibly maybe, boyfriend." I yelled before grabbing my jacket and leaving the house.

I walked over to Zonniques house and the door was cracked open. I walked in and all the lights were off. I walked inside and closed the door. I called out Zonniques name she I heard her voice from upstairs. I went upstairs and went inside of her room. She looked at me as she put on her jordans. "Where you heading?" I asked walking over to her bed and sat next to her. "Im going to hang out with Bee, Bre, Issa, Que, and Jay." Zonnique said putting on her Jacob. "Oh. Well....Ill just get out your way." I said walking out her room.

I went downstairs and exited her house. I went next door and went into my backyard. I sat by my pool and stared at the water, looking at my reflection. I feel so lonely. I dont have Zonnique or Jacob to hang out with anymore. Jacob and Adrienne are selfish in my point of view. I mean they are leaving next week and Ill have no friends. Its not easy finding friends alone.

Ill have no one to talk to besides my parents. Sonjay is going back to college and my cousins start school soon. I just wish my Grandma was here. I could talk to her about anything. She'll put herself in my shoes and tell me how she feels. My parents. Total opposite. They'll tell me how they feel then tell me about shit that aint even got to do with the subject of the conversation.

I heard the padio door open and close, but I didnt bother to look up. I just sat there and played in the water with the pool cleaner. They wrapped their hand around my waist and put a cover over my shoulder. It was kinda chilly out. "Im sorry Syd." I looked at Jacob and continued what I was doing. "For what." I said putting the pool cleaner down. "For leaving you here alone, and attacking Jacob." Jacob said bringing me closer to him.

"Jacob they were my only friends here. After you leave, I wouldve only had them. Now Ill have no one to talk to and hang with because you and Adrienne scared them away." I said looking at him. "Im sorry..." Jacob mumbled. "You need to be saying that to Jacob." I said. "Sydney. Do you forgive me?" Jacob asked looking me in my eyes. I sighed and looked away. "I cant stay mad at you forever, Jacob." I said with a side smile. Jacob kissed my forehead and intewtwined our fingers together. "I wanna take you out tonite." Jacob said. "Okay." I shrugged and snuggled close to him.


Sorry its short. I had Volleyball practice and a game today, plus Algebra homework. Im tied down.

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