Chapter 11: Bullshit......

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I woke up the next morning in the hospital. I wiped my eyes and looked at the time on my phone. It was 8:00! Im late for school! There is no point of going now. I looked up at Jacob and he was up watching tv. My eyes lit up and I got up and hugged him.

Jacob groaned, "Ouuuh!" he whined.

I sat back down, "Im sorry." I said looking down.

"Keep your head up baby." Jacob spoke in a soft tone.

I looked up at him and he opened his arms. I climbed up into the bed and laid next to him. He kissed my forehead softly and resting his head on mine. I looked him in his eyes and played with his curls.

"Who did it Jacob?" I asked intertwining our fingers together.

"I cant tell you anything. I dont want you getting yourself involved with anything." Jacob said caresing my cheek.

Little did he know. I already knew it was Chresanto's dumd ass. Unless Jacob is in a gang or anything. Which I KNOW he is not.

"Teenager Chresanto August shoots innocent teen boy Jacob Perez for stealing his ex girlfriend Sydney Lopes. Chreaanto was accused of cheating on Sydney with her best friend Trinity Sanchez. Sydney got into a fist fight with Trinity and Jacob came to save the poor girls life. I heard that Jacob and Sydney accidently grabbed each others phone, met the next day and instantly got attracked to each other." Wendy Williams annouced.

I was about to turn the channel but Jacob put my hand down.

"Come to find out, Jacob was Chresantos math tutor. He quit his tutoring job to be with this beautiful young lady." A picture of me popped up on prom day.

"Jacob and Sydney went to prom together and they were the cutest. Trinity and Chresanto got together and went to prom. Recently Trinity and Chresanto got into an argument and broke up. A few days later, on yesterday, Jacob gets shot by Chresanto. Chresanto said it was "self defense" but Jacob did nothing to harm him. Jacob was rushed to GreenCounty Hospital where he is fighting for his life. We have pictures from Jacob, Trinity, Chresanto, and Sydneys pages on click live and the article itself along with the pictures will be there. Thats all we have this week see you next time on the Wendy Williams Show." Jacob turned the tv off and looked at me.

I went on the websites and they had everything on here. When Adrienne, Sonjay and I rushed in the building, me hugging Jays mom and comforting Jacay. The pictures of me and Jacob in his hospital bed.

"Somebody is watching our every move." I said handing him my phone.

"Ooooh. Mami has on booty shorts." Jacob said.

"Mami does not have on booty shorts. They are called breifs. I was in a rush." I corrected closing the door.

"You rushed here to come see me?" Jacob with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, and skipped school." I added looking out the window.

"You see anybody?" Jacob asked probably going through my phone.

"Why are you going through my phone?" I asked walking over to his bed.

"I just wanna make sure you aint got nothing to hide from me." Jacob mumbled.

I crossed my arms, "So you dont trust me?" I asked.

"I do trust you baby." Jacob said putting my phone down.

"Mhmmm." I mumbled.

"Come on Syd." Jacob said holding out his arms.

"Uh un. I gotta get home before my parents kill me." I said grabbing my phone.

"I love you." Jacob yelled as I walked toward the door.

I stood by the door and stared at him for a moment.

"I love you too Jacob..." I said before leaving out of the room.

I pulled out my phone and called mu brother. I waited for him to pick up the phone but there was no answer. I called again and he answered on the third ring.

"Wassup Lil Sis."

"Hey Sonjay. Can you come pick me up from the hospital?"

"Uhhh. Sure. Ill be there in an hour, just got out the shower."

"Okay. Call me when you get here." I said.

"Okay. Bye." Sonjay said before hanging up.

I put my phone in my pocket and sat down against the wall.


"What do you mean!" I yelled at my parents.

"We are moving to Atlanta. If Chresanto crazy ass got Jacob What makes you think hes not coming after you next?" My dad yelled putting all my belonging in his truck.

I took my keys out my pocket and unlocked my car door. I got into the car and started it up.

"What the hell do you think your going? Get out of that car!" My dad demanded.

I drove off ignoring what he said. They must be bullshitting me. I sped to GreenCounty Hospital with tears streaming down my face. I left my car under the seat. I got out off the car and ran into the hospital running past the security desk going straight to the elevator. I pressed the '6' button and waited for the elevator to stop. I ran out of the elevator trying my best not to bump into patients, doctors, or nurse.

I ran into Jacobs room and he was watching tv once again. He looked over at me and an confused expression took over his blank expression. I went over to his bed and sat next to him. I wipe the tears off my face like a big baby and looked at Jacob.

"My parents are making me move to Atlanta." I said.

"Why?" Jacob asked pulling me into a hug.

"My parents think that Chresanto is gonna come after me next." I answered.

Jacob shook his head and hugged me tighter. He kissed my forehead and looked me in my eyes.

"Go." Jacob said.

"What?" I said confused.

"Go. I dont want him coming after you. If he is. I want whats best for you. I dont want you to get hurt and I dont want anything to happen to you. I want you to be safe." Jacob said before pecking my lips.

"What about you? What about us?" I asked looking down.

"We can be friends. Youll find someone else eventually." Jacob said stroking my hair.

"But I dont wanna leave you Jacob. I only want you." I confessed.


"We're gonna miss you Sydney." Jacobs mom said.

"Im gonna miss you guys too. Jacey im sorry im not gonne be here for your birthday." I said kneeling down infront of her.

"Its okay. At least I can get a phone call." Jacey said with a slight smile.

" A phone call and a gift. Ill send you one down her okay?" I said putting a strand of her curly hair behind her ear.

"Okay." Jacey said looking up at me.

I hugged her and hugged her parents once more. I headed to the door, then Jacey started screaming my name and running to the door.

"I want you to have this." Jacey said giving me a necklace made with beads that spelled out my name. "Just to remember me." She put the necklace in my hand and closed it.

I kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear, "Ill never forget you." I said before proceeding to walk out the door.

"Bye!" Jacobs family yelled out the door waving there hands.

I waved at them in got into the car. I put on my seatbelt and started up the car. I drove home and walked slowly into my empty house. Im gonna miss this place. I beat so many asses here. I felt in love here and I had plenty of heartbreaks here. Now its time to leave for my safety. This is some bullshit!


Lame right?

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