chapter 20: drama

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i sat at the table staring at prince's girlfriend. she was pretty, but i didn't like her attitude. i'll just have to but up with it like everyone else. "so! how is everyone?!" leena asked cheerfully. everyone nodded, but i kept eating. "ew, sydney. slow down, eat like a lady not like a pig." leena said with a slick grin on her face. i sat my fork down, scooting my chair back standing up from the chair, grabbing my sweater.

"see you guys at home." i said in a low tone before exiting ihop. that bitch, annoys the fuck out of me. and i have only known her for 3 damn hours.


leena walked in giggling on princes back. i rolled my eyes turning the volume up enough so that i couldnt hear her annoying laugh. prince tapped my shoulder, i looked at him. He mouthed 'sorry' i just shrugged him off. He kinda looked like he wasn't happy, but that's something to talk about at a different place. Especially not around this drama queen. Prince placed her down on her two feet continuing to walk to the kitchen.

Leena fixed her shirt then sat next to me on the couch. She pulled an earplug out of my ear, "What made you wanna get pregnant by.. him?" and by "him" i know she meant Prince, but she said "him" in disgust. "Why are you with him?" I asked her, turning my attention to her. "Because he has money," she answered, "if i don't have something, he'll get it for me, the only reason i stick aro-", "So you're a gold digger?" i interrupted. "Well,im certainly not all up in his nose, it seems to be the reason you got knocked up by him.", "If he was to be giving any money to me it would go to OUR child. I have my own damn job, making my own money. Definitely something you should be doing, instead of being all in Jacobs face, greedy for something you cant get." I said. "You know what Sydney, you're nothing but a fat slu-","Hey, hey, hey. What's going on in here?" Prince interrupted. He looked saddened and disappointed a bit, like he heard the whole conversation. I know him and i know how he feels by his physical appearance.

"We were just talking about the baby mames." Leena lied. "No, i already have a name. You know that, this bitch was over here insulting me!" I yelled. "Bitch?!" Leena raised her voice, and stood of from the couch. "Sit the fuck down. Don't get up like you about to swing. Just because im pregnant doesn't mean i will not beat your ass." I said calmly. Leena rolled here eyes walking over to Prince. She tried to kiss him, but he repelled back like the opposite ends of two magnets. And they were. A smirk soon appeared on my face. She looked back and forth at us before stumping outside the house. Prince shook his head and went out the back patio door.

I put my earplug back into my ear, then began to nod my head to the rap music that was being blasted through my earplugs. The bitch starting drama already.

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