"All I Could Do Was Smile"

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The applause started off small, from maybe only a few students scattered around the crowd. Then, in a matter of seconds, the applause erupted throughout the room like a tsunami washing over a city. There weren't any sounds coming from the audience except for the clapping. It was as if the audience had been shocked into a trance.

Icana smiled, stood in front of the crowd for a few more seconds, and then turned to walk back to her seat. She was no longer shaking, and looked quite calm compared to before. The look suited her well. I couldn't help but to feel good for her at this moment.

There was a big shuffling movement going on throughout the crowd. Without even standing up, I could tell that many of the students had broken from their trances of shock and were congratulating Icana. The room was suddenly filled with noise as the students started talking among each other. It seemed as if in a matter of seconds, Icana went from being the quiet girl almost nobody knew to a big star. This I was very glad for, since it meant that I had done my job very well. Very well indeed.

At this point, the noise level started to rise up from loud to chaotic. Some of the teachers got up and tried to herd their students back to where they were before. I still sat in my seat, for I had no intentions to get to the front of the auditorium by maneuvering through the giant mob of students. I could always congradulate Icana later during the day.

Furing all of the chaos, the bell suddenly rang, causing the noise level to decrease momentarily as some of the students fumbled for the exit of the auditorium so they wouldn't be ate to their next period class. However, the majority of the students still stayed in the autitorium.

Picking up the microphone, the principal boomed, "That's all! Get to your next class. Ciao!"

The students all surged towards the exit in one big, dangerous mob. I quickly got up, and headed towards the exit before a stampede could begin.

Mira was no where to be found, which was a good thing, right? I walked back to the door I had come in from, which luckily wasn't the main door everyone else was using, and picked up my backpack from where I had left it leaning against the wall. 

Pushing open the side doors and slinging my backpack over my shoulders, I started to walk towards the main office to get the late pass when Icana stopped me.

She gave me a large hug, and at the same time whispered into my ear, "Thank you so much!"

All I could do was smile. It meant so much to have Icana actually appreciate my help.

"I'm sure you'll win this time around," I added, "We'll start campaigning this afternoon so that we can rack up all of the votes tomorrow morning."

"Sounds like a plan!" Icana responded in a excited voice, "This day is going by so quick! I can't wait!"

Icana turned around, and practically pranced down the hallway, her skirt trailing behind her. Sighing, I made my way to the office. I decided to tell the secretary that I had a dentist appointment this morning causing me to be late for school because it would be pretty lame if I told her I was late due to oversleeping. 

For one part, I was glad that Icana's sppech was over, but another part of my head reminded me that there was still much to come.

Though the speeches were over, I still had butterflies in my stomach.

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