"One White Slip"

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One white slip. My lead pencil squeaked as I drew in a little check next to Icana's name. Folding up the already tiny piece of paper, I tossed it into the basket on top of my homeroom teacher's desk. That was it. Now, all I could do was wait.


The students had started to settle into the library tables and chairs as the principal walked in, holding a certificate. Icana was pacing back and forth at the front of the cluster of tables while Mira stood still at the back. I could tell that both of them were nervous.

This was the first student council meeting, and since I wasn't part of the body of representatives, I stood by the library door, watching. I wasn't here for the meeting, but I was here for moral support. Many of the students looked bored, texted on their phones or snap-chatting.

The principal walked up to the front of the desks, holding a microphone in one hand and the certificate in the other. He cleared his throat. The students all looked up from their phones.

"This year, two candidates competed very well for the spot of student council president," he began, "Both of them worked very hard for the position. Right now, I would like to congratulate... Icana!" He smiled, handed the certificate to Icana, and shook her hand.

The crowd of students cheered and though Icana tried to hide her excitement, it was clear that she was about to explode from joy. Mira, on the other hand, pushed through the doors I was standing by and left in a huff. I couldn't blame her for being so upset. Icana had just ruined her perfect streak.

Nobody seemed to notice Mira as she left. I felt that maybe I should go and comfort her, but she had already disappeared down the street.

Instead, I focused back on Icana, who was thanking all the students for their votes. I smiled a small smile as Icana looked in my direction. As Icana sat down at the head of the table and started talking, I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the library. Job well done.

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