"Put Down the Spoons!"

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To be honest, I was rather tired of helping Icana with everything. She seemed to have a sudden burst of energy every day and it was hard trying to keep up with everything she wanted to do. With my lunch tray on my lap, my eyes followed Icana as she walked towards the table Mira was at.

Mira was saying something in what seems to be a matter-of-fact tone. Nobody seemed to be looking or paying attention to anything she was saying. Icana looked pretty awkward, just standing by the corner of the table with her hands behind her back. However, she still attracted more attention.

Mira seemed to be getting more frustrated by the minute, her face turning a faint shade of pink. She said something, causing one of the boys at the table to suddenly laugh out loud and make Mira turn even brighter.

One of the boys at the table looked extremely bored. He yawned, and while doing so, caused his spoon to flick outwards towards the other side of the table.

I blinked...

...and when I focused on Mira and Icana once more, I saw a ball of mashed potatoes fly across the table, and before I could react, hit Mira smack in the center of her face. I could tell that the table suddenly became silent. Soon, many of the people were staring at Mira and her mashed potatoes covered face.

And this is when... Mira completely lost it. She slowly turned her head in the direction of the mashed potatoes, steam coming out of her ears.

I didn't make out where it came from, but another spoonful of food, this time carrots, I think, went flying across the table, but missed Mira by inches. Even though I didn't see what had happened, Mira apparently did. She took a spoon laying on the table, scooped up some potato, and flung it at a kid. 

I have to admit that I was somewhat impressed, because Mira was spot on, hitting her target exactly where she got hit herself.

In these short moments, chaos broke lose throughout that side of the cafeteria, kids flinging food at each other from both sides of the caf. Icana had wisely stepped away from the mess and stood silently near the front of the cafeteria. One of the kids went to get the lunch aides.

This would have kept on going if Mira didn't scream, "Put the spoons down!" This was kind of ironic, because she was the one who had started it. The entire caf was suddenly quiet. The only noise was the sound of fifty or so plastic spoons clinking as they fell onto the cafeteria tables.

Mira looked really dangerous at the moment, with her hair cluttered up with food and her make-up all smeared. She gave Icana a death stare from where she was standing that made it look like she was the one who created this mess, patted her hair down, and turned around.

And with that, Mira dropped the spoon she was holding and walked out of the room.

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