"Coincidence? I Think Not"

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The cafeteria was almost completely empty when I walked in. The only thing in the caf, besides the lunch aides, was a small, lonely poster on the far side of the wall that advertised Mira for president. 

It was very well done, to be honest. The posters had a list of reasons why Mira should be president, along with some pop ups and decorations. But if she wanted anyone to actually acknowledge her, Mira had to make the poster bigger. The one that was being displayed right now was about the size of a textbook. She should be lucky if anyone actually acknowledged it.

A few minutes later, Icana walked in, holding a small stack of laminated posters. On the heading of the poster, in big neon bubble letters, said, "Vote Icana for President!"

The stack consisted of four big, loud, neon posters that we hung up in the four corners of the room. We had worked together in study hall earlier this year to design the posters to get more votes. Unlike Mira's handmade posters, ours went straight to the point.

"So, how was campaigning so far?" I asked Icana. Since I technically wasn't running for president, I couldn't help Icana with the campaigning part of the job.

"It went well," Icana answered, "I think that I have a really good chance this year! The kids in the last few lunch periods really like me!"

"Oh," Icana added, this time much softer, "I know at least I'm doing better than Mira. She really hasn't been getting all the attention she wanted."

Mira walked into the lunch room just seconds later. Coincidence? I think not.

Under her arm, Mira had another one of her posters. With a quick glance in our direction and the rest of the neon yellow posters we had displayed around the room, she hung her modest little poster on the door of the cafeteria. We would have done the same, but our poster was much too big.

Very soon, kids began filing into the caf, talking with their friends. Mira stood at the front entrance of the caf, giving out little slips of paper that basically said the same thing as her posters. Many people didn't take any slips, and the one who did recycled it right away.

On the other hand, Icana stood at the side entrance of the caf, handing out lollipops to the people passing by while telling to vote for her.  Yes, it was I who had thought of this. Almost everyone knows that kids like candy.

By the time Mira realized that she was't getting anywhere, it was already too late. Glancing over at Icana, she stomped towards the side of the caf, on the way, tossing her slips of paper into a recycling bin on the way. I innocently sat in my seat and engaged in a conversation with some of my friends, as if nothing had happened.

Mira didn't say anything, but her face had a mildly annoyed look to it. I heard her mutter Icana's name under her breath as she made her way back to her seat.

A few minutes later, after buying my lunch and making my way back to my seat with a tray filled with chicken, mashed potatoes, and carrots, I found Icana waiting for me at my table.

"I'm going to walk around for a little bit," She told me, "Wish me luck!"

I looked around throughout the caf and spotted Mira, who was also walking around from table to table trying to campaign. What I meant by trying was that nobody wasn't really listening to her or paying attention to her as she walked around.

"Good luck," I responded with a mouthful of potatoes, trying my best to smile.

Icana nodded, and left... 

And then, to my horror, Icana made a horrible decision; walking straight to her death. Before I could stop her, Icana walked to the same table Mira was campaigning at and started talking... 

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