Chapter 2- Reuniting

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------Bailey's POV----    

"What no thank you for saving your life?" The blond boy from Pandemonium also know as my brother says. He goes and picks up Clary. I hold onto his side and he start to walk and limp towards the institute. We go into the infirmary and I take the bag of clothes I have and go put on the fresh set of clothes since my other ones have demon venom on them. I draw a healing rune on my thigh. It is going to take a while to start working. So I am going to be limping for a while. When I get there Jace is drawing a rune on Clary who is still out. I put my seraph blade away in my bag. Jace finishes and turns to look at me.
"Shadowhunter I am amusing." Jace says.
"Yeah. But what I am surprised about is that you have not recognized me dear brother." I say with a smirk.
"No that is not true my sister died a long time ago." Jace says shaking his head.
"Okay. Then let me prove it to you. Number one my full name is Bailey Grace Wayland. My brother's full name is Jonathan Christopher Wayland. Number two we have the same hair and eyes. And last by not least number three. The tattoo on your wrist." I say. I pull my jacket sleeve up on my right sleeve. Then grab Jace's right hand and pull his sleeve up. I show him my wrist. He looks at me.
"Bailey?" Jace says. I nod. He hugs me and I bury my head into his shoulder.
"What happened?" Jace says as he pulls away from the hug.
"I would rather explain it to Isabelle and Alec at the same time." I say. Jace nods.
"Alec! Isabelle! There is someone I want you to see." Jace yells. Isabelle and Alec comes into the the infirmary.
"What are you doing with a mundane in the institute." Alec say. That is just typical Alec for you.
"Clary is not a mundane. Oh and nice to see you again Alexander and Izzy." I say.
They both look at me with wide eyes.
"Do you want me to show you guys something." I say. They both nod. Me and Jace hold up output wrists with the tattoos on them. There eyes went even bigger.
"Bailey? I thought you were dead." They both said.
"No. Okay so during the uprising Valentine actually wanted me dead or something. So when Jocelyn Fairchild or Fray went into hiding with her daughter Clary Fray who is on the bed and Lucian Graymark or Luke Garroway. She took me with her. She told me that Valentine thought I died so then everyone else did. She did that to protect me. She thought it was better that way. So she trained me to be a shadowhunter to protect Clary. While she wiped Clary's memories. Jocelyn was going to tell Clary about this world tomorrow but we got distracted by Jocelyn getting kidnapped by Valentine and his men. But after Jocelyn told Clary about this world I was going to come here and find you guys. Now Valentine probably knows I am alive so he is going to be searching for me, Clary and the mortal cup." I say.
I go and sit on the end of the bed where Clary is. Isabelle comes and sits close to her.
"Ow." I mumble when Clary shoots up. She immediately hugs me.
"I am Isabelle." Isabelle says.
"I have never seen Jace so curios about a mundane before." Isabelle says.
"As you saw earlier, distractions are dangerous in our line of work." I say.
"Who's Jace?" Clary asks.
"Really Clary I told you I have a brother named Jace is my brother." I say.
"You are lost aren't you." I say. Clary nods.
"A mundane shouldn't even be here." Alec say as he walks into the room with Jace.
"Where is here exactly?" Clary asks.
"She's not a mundane Alec." I say with a growl.
"How do you know that?" Alec says.
"The rune on her neck healed her. Isabelle can you." Jace says and Isabelle goes and sits in another chair in the room.
"I am Jace Wayland." Jace says.
"I um-" Clary says stuttering.
"Yeah. Clary Fray we know who you are." Jace says.
"Am I the only one that finds this unusual." Alec says.
"You find everything unusual Alec." Jace says looking at him.
"We have to report this to the Clave. We need to let them know there is another shadowhunter here. And a mundane." Alec says.
"Dial down a notch." Jace says looking at Alec. While Clary is still confused on what is going on.
"My brother does not have a dial. I love you Alec. But you have a switch that is always on." Isabelle says. She the leads Alec out of the room. While I stay there with Clary and Jace.
"Your wound it is healed." I say. I come over and stand next to Jace. She looks at her neck.
"How is that even possible. So what? I am just healed. And all of you stunning people with magical powers." Clary says. Me and Jace chuckle.
"No don't confuse us with a warlock." Jace says.
"A what." Clary asks.
"A warlock. It is one of the downworlders." I say.
"Okay you guys are not making any sense." Clary says shaking her head.
"Warlocks. Werewolves. Vampires. Seliees-" Jace says.
"Literally my brain is about to explode." Clary says. Looking down at the bed.
"I will keep it simple. All the legends are true. We are Shadowhunters. We protect the real world from the demon world." I say.
"So those people that you saw that we murdered. They were not even people at all. They were shape shifting demons." Jace says.
"I am not interested in being apart of your supernatural fight club. I just want to find my mom. The rest of it all I care about is finding my mother. Please. Please help me find her." Clary says. Me and Jace both nod.
"We are the best change we got." Me and Jace say at the same thing.
"I don't even know you Jace." Clary says.
"You can trust him Clary." I say. Then Clary's phone rings. She then looks at it.
"Simon." Clary lets out with a sigh. She gets out of the bed she was lying on.
"How come you and Bailey have not answered your phone in two days." I hear Simon say.
"Things are messed up." Clary say. Jace picks up my and Clary's sketch book and looks at them. He is going to recognize that we have both drawn runes in there. But most of mine are not found in the Gray Book. Like I said before I can create new runes.
"Where are you." Simon says.
"Find my friend says that your's and Betsy's phones are at a abandoned church. I am outside." Simon says. Clary walks over to the window. And I go with her. Jace gets to my notebook and a page full of runes that is not in the Gray Book.
"Me and Betsy see you." Clary says.
"While I do not see you." Simon says.
"Give me 5 minutes. I just have to get dressed. I will bring Bailey with me." Clary says. And she finally looks down at the shirt she is wearing.
"Dressed? What are you doing undressed in a abandoned church?" Simon says.
"Simon just give me 5 minutes." Clary says. She hangs up. I look out the window and see a person walking by and Simon does not even notice. That is not a good thing. She walks back over to the bed where she was laying with me behind her.
"What happened to my clothes." Clary says.
"I burned them. Demon Vemon. Remember? Isabelle left you these." Jace say and points to a chair.
Clay takes a look at them and sighs.
"Your kinding right." Clary says holding up the boots.
"Isabelle she is very comfortable with her body." Jace says looking up from Clary's notebook. She gets dressed and then me and Jace go out with her with seraph blades in hand.
Let's just say that the figure was a circle member looking for me and Clary. Simon was getting all worried about me and Clary. We had to take Simon into the institute with us.

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