Chapter 11

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----Bailey's POV----

I wake up wrapped up in Jace's arms. I try snuggling closer to him for more warmth. He notices and tightens his hold around me.
"You almost died Bailey. I don't know what I would have done with out you." Jace says on the edge of almost crying.
"You would have died also Jace." I say back to him. Thinking of what I learned after we got separated.
"Wait. What do you mean I would have died." Jace says pulling away to look into my eyes.
"Our bond. The only downside to it. If one of us dies the other one dies. If one is alive so is the other. I found that out when Izzy, Alec and you were on one of your missions. You guys were outnumbered. I stayed in the shadows but I shoot the demons to help you guys. One of the almost killed you Jace. I rushed back to my apartment and started feeling pain in my back." I say remembering the day that happened a few years ago quite clearly.
"Oh that. I always was wondering who this mystery shadowhunter in the shadows was. I remember that day. It was the first time since you were thought to be dead that I swore I felt your presence through our bond. Just though I was going crazy."


"Why would Valentine tell a prisoner what he was going to do?" Clary asks.
Me, Jace, and our father sit on one side of the table while Luke and Clary sit on the other.
"He didn't. Well not directly. But he gave me a way to learn all about his plans." My father says back.
"What do you mean?" Me and Jace ask side by side.
"He injected me with downworlder blood." My father says. I feel all eyes to me.
I look down at my lap. Thinking that my father went through the same psi that I had gone through.
"The pain was excruciating. Sometimes I was sick for days. But it's not often you got a shadowhunter to experiment on. So I guessed that's why he always stopped short of killing me. But little by little I developed enhanced hearing and vision." Michael, which is mine and Jace father's name, says.
"Who is Renwick?" Clary asks after Michael recalls something he had overheard.
"It is not a who. It is a where. It's a deserted smallpox hospital on one of the islands of the East River." Luke says. I sigh and mutter a string of curse words under my breath in a mix of Latin, Russian, and English.
"Right under our noises is right." I say.
"He left me to die in that cage." Michael says. I don't look at him with a pity look on my face. No one usually gets that out of me. When emotion does come on my face it will usually be my brother or Alec.
"Valentine never wasted time on compassion." Luke (Valentine's former parabatai) says.
"He won't get any from me and Jace when the time comes." I say with me knowing Jace is thinking the same thing. We both stand up from our seats.
"Before it does you guys need a strategy. Waiting a day could mean the difference between failure and success." Our father says to us.
"I have waited to long to get revenge for what Valentine did to me." I spit back in response.

Then go back in other room to beat the h*ll out of a punching bag. I take off my sweatshirt I am wearing to reveal my runes and the hybrid one covering half my side. I start wrapping my hands up. Then grab my stele to trace the hybrid before I start. Before I even can put down towards my side someone grabs it out of my hand and starts to do it for me.
"Where's father?" I ask Jace as he is in the middle of tracing it.
"Talking with Luke before Clary and Luke leave to go scout Renwick's. But before father comes back here and trains us or something I wanted to ask you how you were doing." Jace asks before he hands me back my stele.
"I don't know anymore. I feel like there is something else about to be uncovered that's going to affect the future for everyone. Ever since father came back I felt like there is darkness inside me and I can't do anything about it then you also have Alec getting married." I say emotionless.
"We will work it out together okay." Jace says and pulls me into a hug.


I stand in front of my father not long after I talked with Jace.
"Come on! Again!" Father yells to push me again. I panted as my father yelled out at me. Before starting again. I think about how my life has changed the good and bad. I grunt at almost every punch I throw just out of pure anger and hate.
"Come on." My father says to push me again.
"Something's wrong. Us Shadowhunters mend quickly but after all my time I shouldn't be able to get a shot in on you." Michael says as I step back from a shot he blew to my stomach. I push back stray and sweaty hairs away from my face.
"You're still weak. Just like you were as a child.. Father says to me.
"Alec Lightwood was my boyfriend but then went to marry a blonde b*tch who works for the Clave. I can tell they don't even love each other. Then Jace and Alec's parabatai bound. I can feel them both through my bound with Jace. He weakened to find us. It not only hurt me but it also hurt Jace. No one messes with my family." I say then put my heads up to signal to continue the training.
"Alec." Father says. I punch harder and faster at the mention of his name. I stop as most of my hair falls to the front of my face.
"If he was so desperate to weaken the bond to find you guys you where hiding from him. How does that happen?" Our father say as we stop completely from training.
"Clary has the Mortal Cup. The Clave want it. Alec sided with the Clave." Jace says. Now adding to the conservation.

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