Chapter 1- See You Again

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---Bailey's POV-----

My name is Bailey Wayland. I am a shadowhunter and werewolf. Which means I am a hybrid of the nephilim and a downworlder. No one knows that I am part werewolf expect for Luke, Jocelyn, Alaric, Dot, and Magnus Bane. I found out I was part werewolf when I was about 12 years old. I am also the beta for the New York Wolf Pack. Which Alaric is apart of. He become a uncle type figure to me. As Beta of the pack I took basically all the things the alpha is suppose to do in our pack. He does not do them at all. So I am left to do them. Shadowhunters kills demons to protect mundanes or humans. But when I was young my parents got killed in the uprising. So Jocelyn Fairchild took me in as one of her own. The uprising did not kill my twin brother Jace Wayland. Valentine wanted to kill me and almost succeeded. He thinks I am dead anyways. My brother, also Alec and Isabelle Lightwood think I am dead. Alec and Isabelle were my best friends. Jace got taking in by them. And lives at the New York Institute. It also happens to be where I live with Jocelyn and Clary. While I live in the New York Area.
Clary is my best friend along with Simon. Jocelyn did not tell Clary about the shadow world so she got a warlock to block her memory. That warlock is Magnus Bane. And let me say I do see him since he is a good friend. Jocelyn trained me in secret to be a shadowhunter. And Luke helped with my werewolf side. She made me swear not to tell Clary about this world. But on her 18th she said that she was going to tell her about this world. I forgot to mention Valentine got me to drink angel blood when I was a baby so I am even more angel than regular Shadowhunters. It also gave her the power to create runes and this really weird one. Whew I can put a object on paper than make that object disappear onto the paper and become a 3D drawing on the paper. Then I could also retrieve it to. So Jocelyn trusted me with the location of the Mortal Cup. She told me about Clary also being injected angel blood like me. Jocelyn told me that Valentine was still alive and that he is Clary's father.
But all I want is to reunited with my brother. The two things I have of my brother is a tattoo (which is a special type of rune from another dimension) I have on my wrist and he has the exact same one. Then pictures of my brother growing up through the years. I do not know how Jocelyn got them but I am happy about it.
There is one other important person I forgot to mention. His names is Luke Garroway. He is a werewolf and a police officer. He used to be in the Circle with Jocelyn but then got turned into a werewolf. His real names is Lucian Graymark.
So I actually take some shifts at the police station every once in a while with Luke. Right now we are retrying to figure out who is draining mundanes of their blood.

------Bailey's POV----

I am crouching next to Luke at another murder then drained with blood.
"Another body drained of blood." Captain Vargas says as she walks next to me and Luke. My phone vibrates. Twitter notification from Simon.
'One of my best friends got into the Brooklyn Academy Of Art. While my other best friend is kicking butt in the police force.'
The dog by the body starts growling and barking. I look at him and flash him my purple werewolf eyes. That shuts him up immediately.
"I have to go. I will see you later Luke Captain Vargas." I say. And walk back to the apartment.

----Mean While At The Institute-----

----No One's POV----

"Izzy hurry up." Alec says. As he walks into his sister Isabelle's room.
"What do think Alec." Isabelle says as she holds two wigs.
"I do not know. Just pick one." Alec says.
"Then blond it is." Isabelle says as she throws the other wig on the chair.
"What Alec. Demons dig blonds." Isabelle says as they walk to where Jace is staring at his finger that has a tattoo that reminds him of his sister that died.
"You know Alec. Not everyone is going to enjoy Shakespeare." Isabelle says. As they reach Jace. They both learned to bother him about his sister especially when he is staring at the tattoo on his wrist. They were all good friends. So Jace sister's death all took a tool on everyone. Even Alec and Isabelle's mom and dad. He looks up a and sees his two adopted siblings walking towards him.
"Okay guys for some reason mundanes have been killed and drained of there blood." Jace says

----At Pandemonium-----
----After Simon's Show-----
----Bailey's POV-----

I had my bag over my shoulder and me , Clary, Simon, and Maureen are standing at the back of Simon's van. Discussing band names. I also have my bow and arrows. Jocelyn had me take archery. I used to tech classes for a job. My bow and arrows now has runes all over the. The feathers on the arrows are purple. Then the bow and shaft of the arrows are a mix of black and silver.
"Now we are Rock Solid Panda." Simon says.
"I am feeling inspired." Clary says as she grabs the blue spray paints Luke gave her early. Simon grabs the rest of the spray paints and we walk out to the van where Clary is. She finishes and steps back next to me. I take one look at what she drew and knew it was a angelic rune.
"What is that?" Maureen asks. Simon walks back to the back of the van.
"I don not know. But that is the second time today. I knew I saw Betsy have it on her skin." Clary says. Maureen also walks back to the back of the truck where Simon is. Then we both get bumped in the shoulder by someone. When I look closer I see he is wearing all black, he has runes which means he is a shadowhunter and probably has a glamour on, and blond hair exactly like mine. I look down at his wrist where I can see the inside. It has the same exact tattoo on his wrist.
"Hey can you watch where you going." Clary says. Jace or my bother turns to look at us. I know my runes are visible right now. Which I do not know if that is a gold thing or a bad thing.
"Wait you two can see me." Jace says
"Yeah. We are not blind you know. But obliviously you did not see me." I say.
"You two have the sight." Jace says. He looks at me more carefully and his eyes widen when he sees my runes.
"The what-" Clary says.
"Well maybe you have the sight. Were this girl over here is something more." Jace says.
"Jace!" Someone yells from inside the entrance of Pandemonium. I could recognize that voice anywhere. It is Alec Lightwood. If he is here his sister has to be here also. They were my best friends growing up. Jace runs off into Pandemonium. We both walk back to the back of the van.
Then we end up going into Pandemonium. I follow Clary and start tracing my fighting runes that I have because if she is following Jace that means we are going to run into demons. So I have my seraph blade now in hand glowing. So you may be wondering where my bow and arrows went. Well there is this rune I have that can make them appear and disappear. I past two people against the post and on the side of there neck is the Circle Symbol. I notice Magnus sitting on a couch. So I go tell him there are two circle members.
I go back into the supply closet where I saw Clary enter. As soon as I get in Clary gets pushed out of the way. I run up to her.
"Are you hurt." I asks her. She shakes her head no. Jace drops his seraph blade on the couch. Clary goes to pick it up but I tell her not to. Instead I pick it up so Jace's seraph blade is in my right hand and my seraph blade is in my left. I notice Jace getting attacked by a demon and having a little trouble. I stab the demon in the stomach and hand back Jace his blade.
"Your welcome blondie." I say. When we were younger I used to call Jace blondie. as Clary runs out of the building with me following her. We get into a taxi and get home.
Jocelyn starts to explain something to Clary. Then the Circle members just had to ruin it. So Jocelyn gave me and Clary a purple necklace and we got sent to the police station through a portal. We go in and listen in on the conservation Luke is having.
"Once we found Jocelyn Fairchild it was easy enough finding you, the other Fairchild, and the all so special and the important Wayland girl. Hand over the mortal cup and you can get the girls." One of the people says.
"I do not care about all three of them. Why do you think I have been hanging around here all these years. My people want the cup just as much as Valentine." And when Luke means my people he means Werewolf.
"No one motioned Valentine." One of the people said.
"Now one had to." Luke said looking them in the eye.
"Now you listen." The guy says while pointing a finger at Luke. Luke slaps his hand down and points him own finger.
"No you listen get out of my office." Luke says while pointing at the door.
Clary starts running and I start running after her with my seraph blade out. We get to the apartment and Dot is there. Clary starts crying.
"Dot. What happened?" Clary says crying.
"Rogue Shadowhunters looking for the mortal cup." Dot says.
"What are you talking about." Clary say.
"You know more than you do Bailey Wayland and Clary Fray." Dot says. Then I know a demon took control of Dot's body. The demon gets Clary's neck and scratches it. I get her up against a wall and she pasts out. The demon also gets me.,But not my neck but my thigh. It is screaming in pain. I fall down to the floor still with my seraph blade in hand. I see another blade appear through the demons stomach and it just vanishes into thin air like a demon would after it gets killed

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