Chapter 8

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----Bailey's POV-----

"It just looks like a wineglass." Clary say from between her and Jace while they are holding the Mortal Cup.
"Well Clary that wineglass saved your life. It may look like a wineglass but it has the power to do much more than that." I say to Jace and Clary as I walk down steps to meet the two.
"First rule of shadow hunting. If something explodes just keep walking." Jace says with a little smirk on his face. I see Izzy's whip come towards the Mortal Cup and retract it.
"There's nothing a shadowhunter can't do in heels." Izzy says. When Jace and Clary's head snaps up to the sound of her voice. Izzy descends the stairs that I walked down minutes before.
"Alec what are you doing?" I ask him as I walk over to his position in front of the monitor.
"You can stare at it as long as you want. It needs angel blood to get through Alec." I say to him.
"No downworlder can come unto the institute." Jace says to Alec as he walks up to us.
"Last time I checked Valentine is a shadowhunter. The cup is not safe here. We have to give it back to the Clave." Alec says turning around to face Izzy and Clary. With his arms crossed.
"Give it back to the Clave. No. Not after everything we went through to get it." Clary says looking back at Alec.
"My brother is right. We have to give it back to the Clave." Izzy says looking her brother directly in the eye.
"We can use the cup though as a bargaining chip to the Clave later on." I say to him sternly.
"Fine. Come here." Alec says back. Just as strong. We follow him to the training room is. Where he uses his stele to unlock a vault.
"There it is safe for now." Alec says and heads back towards the screen.


Turns out Simon died and the only way he can be brought back is if he is turned into a vampire. So here are me, Jace, Clary, and Raphael are with the body of Simon. Waiting to see if he is going to merge from the ground.
"Hey why do your eyes glow purple. I heard that it should not to werewolves." Jace asks me as I am tracing the hybrid rune thing on my side. He takes my stele out of my hand and finishes tracing it for me.
"It has to do with me not being a full werewolf and the extra angel blood in me  to. At least that is what I think it is. I could be wrong though." I say to him as he hands me my stele
"That now burns." I say holding my side the hybrid rune is on.
"Did I do something wrong while tracing it." Jace asks looking concerned.
"No. This  happened when I first started tracing it. It is just because you are the only,other person that is going to be aloud to trace it. And you have not traced it before so my body is not used to it yet. So I promise you I am fine." I say to as the burning sensation in my side goes away.

Simon's hand emerges from the ground. And the rest of his body follows. Raphael throws blood bags at him.
"When you emerge. You are hungry. Very hungry." Raphael says with no emotion. And as we watch Simon drink down the blood bags that where given to him.
"Am I a vampire?" Simon asks after a while.
"Yes you are. You died Simon." I say to him.
He suddenly gets up and runs off.

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