Chapter 10

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----Bailey's POV-----

Me, Jace, Clary, and Meliorn walk through the forest in the seelie.
"Well Toto we are not in Kanasas anymore." I say sarcastically.
"Welcome to the seelie Glad, Clary Fairchild and Bailey Wayland." Meliorn tells us. Looking back at us then continuing walking forward.
"How did we get here." Clary asks curiously.
"There are entrances throughout the mundane world. You just have to know where to look." I say while admiring the forest around me.
"Why did we have to come here to find my father?" Clary asks.
"Because of your necklace. It's from another demons ion like the bond rune that Jace and Bailey have that makes them closer than parabatai." Meliorn says as we continue walking forward.
"If you can find the only portal still standing in that dimension. It will take you to your father." Meliorn says looking to Clary.

"How is it possible that the Clave doesn't know about your dimensional doorways." Jace asks.
"They are one of our most guarded secrets. We are the protectors . Only seelies know of their existence." Meliorn says.
"Then why are you telling us." Clary asks. While me and Jace are looking around the forest.
"I owe you and Bailey a life debt and I don't like being  indebted to anyone." Meliorn says.
"Before you even ask Clary. If the seelie queen finds out about this. Meliorn over here  will not be here anymore." I say looking at Clary but then pointing at Meliorn.
"Well then we will be extra careful." Jace says sarcastically.
"There is no you in this scenario. It is only Clary and Bailey." Meliorn says back to Jace.
Meliorn starts making movements that remind me of something that come out of a movie. But it was just moving branches away.
"This will establish a connection with the other dimension." Meliorn says while still clearing branches away.
"What is the other dimension like."
"There are no Shadowhunters are demons in the dimension they don't exist anymore. You have to fin a anchor or you will be stuck in that dimension forever." Meliorn says. Me me and Clary walk through the portal.

-----Other Dimension------

I realize that I am wrapped up in someone's arms on a nice cushy bed and wrapped up in some warm blankets. I look at the body next to me who is holding me by the waist. It's Alec.
I would have had a panic attack right there but then I remember that this a different dimension. Alec opens his eyes.
"Hey beautiful. Don't you have work today." Alec asks as he runs his fingers through my hair.
"Yeah. Yeah. I will just go get ready then." I say then get up and get changed into blue jeans, combat boots, white t-shirt, and black leather jacket.

I look down at my left hand to see a engagement ring on my finger. It brings a smile to my face. Then I look father down to see something on my wrist. It quickly brings me back to my real self. That is when I realize that the bond rune is my anchor. I let me feet take me to work. Which is me working at a coffee truck. My hands start making coffee when orders come in. I look to see Clary and nod to her to let her know it is the real me.
Apparently there is a party at the institute and I have a feeling that's where the portal is. I leave with Izzy to go get ready. I sit her bathtub while she was going to take a quick boxing class. Then there is a sudden burn in my wrist and I am brought back to my real self.

"Jace! Alec!" I lightly scream out. At that point I know Alec is trying to track Jace. So in return it's going through our bond.


We got downstairs at the institute and by us I mean Magnus, Clary, and me. It is so we can open a portal and find Clary's father.
"What is this does not even work?" Clary asks in concern.
"It will biscuit I promise." Magnus says. We all hear footsteps and we look up to see Jace walking down the steps. I knew by the way he was walking that is was this dimension Jace and not our dimension Jace
"You know if you where having second thoughts about us you could have told us and Bailey how could you do this to Alec. Instead of coming down her and hooking up with some random guy." Jace says looking at Clary, me, then Magnus.
"You know when would be a good time to call me Clary? Never. Never call me again." Jace says walking away.

I smell the air and realize that one I still have my werewolf senses and two there is a demon here. I quickly run and push the fake Jace out of the way just in time for the demon to come with a stinger. It quickly moves it deep into shoulder. I fall down in deep pain. Magnus comes over and holds me by the waist as I fight to stay awake. Clary fights off the demon and let's hope Jace gets here in time to help her. I look over at Clary and Jace to see Jace's hands shaking. All the sudden it stops. I sigh happily that Jace is here. But my sigh sends me to the floor pain going through my entire and me screaming out. Jace and Clary come running over.

"Jace. Watch out." I say trying to warn Jace but it's to late. It also stabs him in the shoulder. 'Great' I think sarcastically at least the thing is dead though. I am ready to pass out and now I can't breath well.
"You take us to the Jade Wolf after we find Valentine. They will help us there." I say the pass out.

I am finding that bond rune to be very helpful. I saw everything. Including finding mine and Jace's father.


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