Chapter 3- A Bit Of History

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------Bailey's  POV----

We are standing right inside the door of the institute. Simon look at Clary.
"Clary is there a war going on that I do not know about." Simon says questionably.
"There is now." Jace says walking forward. With me following him.
"And I think my mother is in the center of it." Clary say. Then Simon and Clary start to follow us.
"What is this place? There is a lot of gear in here. What they do? Rob a tech shop." Simon questions looking around. Me and Jace stop in front of one of the mirrors. Jace taps a small screen a few times. Then a live tape of police men on the outside of the institute.
"So this cold blooded killer is going to help us." Simon says. Looking at Jace.
"I find that offensive Simon. Considering I am one." I say. He just ignores  my comment.
"They are not killers. They are protecting us." Clary says turning her head to look at Simon.
"Especially you. It sort of our thing." I say.
"Thing. You guys have a thing." Simon says.
"They mean a shadowhunter thing." Clary says looking back at Simon.
"That is what they do. Protect humans from demons." Clary says doing a weird hand gesture.
"Sure since there is demons all over New York." Simon says.
"That is the first correct thing you have said all day." Jace says. I could tell my brother was getting annoyed by him. And sometimes I also get annoyed by Simon.
"NYPD." The police man say.
"Won't they find us." Clary says looking at me and Jace.
"No our wards will detour them. They will do their typical mundane thing for a few hours. To make sure there is a all clear." I say. I hear Alec come over.
"Why is there a mundane in the institute." Alec questions. We all turn and look at him.
"A circle member followed him to get to Clary and Bailey." Jace says to Alec. Confused by why Valentine wants me.
"Circle rune. Just like the guys who took my mother." Clary says.
"What is a circle member. And why are they trying to kill us." Simon says.
"All we know is that  a long time ago the circle lead a revolt. A lot of Shadowhunters got killed. Including mine and Betsy's father." Jace says. With a hint of sadness.
"And we have all been forbidden to hear about it." Alec says. With his arms crossed. I do have something to confess. That I have a crush on Alec and I have had one since we were little.
"How is that even possible. It is your guys history." Clary says.
"Well Jocelyn told me all about the circle. She though it might be useful." I say.
"Says the girl who didn't know she was a shadowhunter." Jace says with a small snort.
"Well the only person who knows the truth is missing. So I do not care about your rules or what is forbidden. There is got to be someone else to tell us why they have taken my mother." Clary says.
"There is. You coming." Jace says as he walks towards the training room. I follow him.
"Yeah." Clary says quietly and follows behind me and Jace. Simon also follows.
"No. No. No. Not you." Jace says to Simon.
"But wait we are a package deal." Clary says.
"Yeah." Simon says to back Clary up.
"There are runes all over the training room floor. That would kill your mundane boyfriend." Jace says. I chuckle a little. Clary glares at me in a playful way.
"He is not my boy-" Clary says.
"We are just friends." Simon says
"Best friends." Clary says looking at Simon. I roll my eyes at her.
"Yeah. And I am tough. Bring on the runes." Simon says punching my arm. I quickly grab his hand.
"Don't ever do that again." I say in a low and dangerous voice. I let go of his fist.
"What exactly are runes." Simon questions. We all turn our heads to Isabelle who answers.
"They gives us our demon fighting powers." Isabelle says. Running her stele over a rune on her arm.
"So hot." Simon say. I clear my throat.
"What. The rune." Simon says.
"Don't worry Clary. I will watch over the best friend. I was just about to make breakfast." Isabelle say. When we were kids she tried to cook once and then I was sick for the next two days. Jace sucks in a breath.
"On second though the runes maybe less lethal." Jace says.
"I will pretend I did not hear that. Please excuse my brothers manners. This is Alec and I am Isabelle." Isabelle says. As she points to Alec.
"Lewis. Simon. Simon Lewis. Two first names. Am I still talking." Simon says.
"See best friend is safe and sound here." Jace says with his arms cross looking at Clary.
"Jace if anything happens to Simon." Clary says.
"Go on. I will be fine." Simon says not taking his eyes off Isabelle.
"Where are we going." Clary asks. Jace points.
"Training room." Jace says. Clary starts to walk.While stay where I am waiting for Jace.
"Hey don't eat the food." Jace says to Simon says. Jace starts to walk towards the training room and I follow him but get stopped by Alec.
"Hey can I talk to you in a few minutes." Alec says. I nod and run up to catch with my brother. When I get to where they are standing I notice two people fighting.
A regular shadowhunter and Hodge Starkweather. Jocelyn told me about him. I actually talked to him a few times when I was little.
"Who is that guy?" Clary asks.
"That is Hodge Starkweather. The weapons trainer. And more importantly former circle member." I say.
"After the uprising Hodge repentant. We is forbidden to ever leave the institute." Jace says. The shadowhunter is was training with walked off. We goes and grabs his tank top and puts it on. He then turns to us.
"Bailey Wayland. I thought you were dead." Hodge says.
"Long story short Jocelyn faked my death and she raised." I say. He looks over at Clary.
"Jocelyn?" Hodge says in a quiet tone.
"No. Jocelyn was my mother. I am Clary Fray." Clary says.
"She was Jocelyn Fairchild when I knew her." Hodge says.
"I am going to go see Alec. He said he wanted to talk to me." I whisper into my brothers ear. He nods and kisses my head. I go back to where Alec is standing by the monitor.
"Hey. So what did you want?" I say.
"I just wanted to do something I have wanted to do since we were little." He says. I was about to say something but I was cut off by Alec kissing me. Sparks were flying everywhere. I put my arms around his neck and kiss back. I pull back and rest my forehead against his.
"That was amazing." I say.
"I was wondering if you want to be my girlfriend?" Alec says. I nod my head. We pull when we hear a voice.
"BALEC! Yeah." Isabelle yells. Clary starts running towards the front entrance with a angry look on her face with Jace following her. I go run after her. I go and stand by Jace.
"You might be so emotionless G.I.Joe." Clary starts ranting. And know I am just confused.
"What is a G.I.Joe?" I ask. Because quite frankly I don't even know.
"It is a human solider who doesn't know how to control human emotions. Who doesn't know what is like to lose someone." Clary starts explaining rather quick to.
"Yeah. Because we did not even know our mother." I say.
"Oh I didn't know. I am sorry." Clary says.
"That is exactly my point. You don't anything about this. About my me. About my life. And Betsy is probably more of a different person than you think she is." Jace says.
"In the shadow world no training and no planning gets you killed." I say. Clary walks over to wall and leans against it.
"Now that Valentine is back and wants the cup and Betsy. And for some reason he thinks my mother has it." Clary says.
"She does. She told me that when she ran away from the circle she took the cup with her. Just so she could try to hid it from Valentine. To keep everyone safe. If that cup gets in his hands it is going to the end of the downworlders and Shadowhunters." I say. Jace looks at like 'why did you know that.'
"Clary you know something. You have drawn runes. Just think Clary." Jace say while advancing on her.
"She will come up with nothing. Her memory has been wiped by Magnus Bane. But it is tarting to ware off." I say. They both look at me just like 'please explain'
"When your mother went to go to get your memory wiped I went with her. And that is how I meet Magnus. And how we are good friends. Warlocks there hands glow sometimes." I say.
"Dot did that right before I ended up at the police station with Betsy from my house." Clary says.
"That is because Dot is a warlock." I say.
"Great. If we find Dot she can help us get the cup." Clary says.
"Not if she is working for Valentine." Jace says.
"Great. That is even better. She will lead us straight to him." Clary says.
"Where's Simon." Clary says and walks off with me and Jace trailing behind her.

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