Chapter 3

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    I woke up the following day wondering where the hell I was. Then I remembered. The diner. The Fabulous Killjoys. I sat up on the booth to see that Party Poison was still asleep.

    "Good morning, Neon." I heard a voice say. I jumped and turned around to see Jet and Kobra behind the diner counter. It was Jet who said good morning.

    "Where's Ghoul?" I asked.

    "Out in the garage." Kobra replied. "He's fixing the trans-am. The garage is right outside the diner."

    "Thanks." I said as I got up. I walked out the door and saw a ghetto garage right next to it. I lifted up the door and saw a trans-am with a spider painted on the hood. Underneath the car was Ghoul fixing it.

    "Hey, Ghoul." I said.

    I heard a painful sound of a head hitting against metal as Ghoul lifted his head. "Ouch! Son of a fuck!" He yelled.

    "Shit, are you okay?" I asked.

    Ghoul rolled out underneath the car and sat up. "Yeah, I'm fine. It hurts like a bitch, though."    

     "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

    "It's fine. What are you doing here anyways? I thought you'd be eating breakfast with the others."

     "I just wanted to check how you're doing on the car. Poison tells me you're a great mechanic."

    Ghoul grinned. "Of course! Poison is never wrong. He never doubts our skills. That's one of the great things of having him as our leader."

    "Well, in that case, can you please hurry up so we can eat breakfast?"


    Ghoul laughed. "Well, if it's one thing you hate, Neon, it's missing a meal."

    Finally, I managed to drag Ghoul into the diner. When we reached there, I found Poison was awake.
Poison's expression brightened when he saw me. "Hey, Neon, I need to show you something." he said.

    I pouted. "But I didn't get to eat breakfast!" I whined.

    Poison chuckled. "We can eat before we go."    "Go?" I repeated. "We're leaving the diner?" I didn't really want to risk going out there where Crows and Dracs might be roaming. They especially go out in the daylight. The horror. That's my sarcastic tone.

    Poison seemed to understand my hesitation. "Don't worry, it's not very far."

    Jet cut into our conversation. "By the way, Neon, breakfast is Power Pup." Of course it is. I thought. But I decided to be polite and say. "Okay. Thanks, Jet." I hate Power Pup.

Note: Sorry for the short chapter! 

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