Chapter 7

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Bandit looked at me. "Neon?"

I smiled as tears started falling down my face. "Bandit!" I picked up her small body and hugged her. Bandit is only seven and I thought she died in the Fire like her mother did. But I guess she's still alive. I put Bandit down and she couldn't stop smiling.

That's when she looked at Poison. "Daddy!" she yelled excitedly.

What? Daddy? As far as my friend Dusty Rose, or Lindsey is what she told me her real name was, Bandit had no dad. that is partially why Bandit doesn't have a killjoy name yet.

I looked at Poison hoping this was a mistake, but he held out his arms to her and chuckled as she ran into him, embracing him back.

"Wait," I said. "You're saying that you and Dusty Rose had a child? Why weren't you together than?"

Poison's smile faded and he looked at me. "Neon, we should talk about this somewhere else." He looked down at Bandit. "Sweetheart, I need to talk to Neon for a bit. Why don't you hang out with Uncle Kobra and the guys for a bit?"

"Okay!" she said as she ran up to Kobra, who gave the magazines back to Ghoul and picked up Bandit.

Poison grabbed my hand and took me to his room, shutting the door. "Okay, yes. Bandit is mine and Dusty Rose's daughter. But Rose thought it was dangerous for Bandit to hang out with my gang, so we agreed she and Bandit will join another group and when Bandit gets older, they will come back to join us. And, how do you know Bandit and Dusty Rose?"

I swallowed. What was going to come out of my mouth would hurt Poison a lot, but i knew I should tell him the truth. He's going to fid out sooner or later anyway. "They were members of the Idiotic Killjoys."

Poison's eyes widened. "So you- wait, is Lindsey- is Rose dead too?"

Lindsey was my best friend in that gang and when she died, I couldn't handle it. Tears started falling down my face. "I'm sorry."

Poison embraced me and I heard him weeping softly. "Were you close to her?" I heard him whisper.

I caught my breath. "Yes. She was my best friend."

"What was she like in your gang?"

I thought back. "She was kind, compassionate, and strong. A very good shooter. She was very loyal too. She loved making her voice heard. She would have been a great leader if we didn't already have one."

"What about Bandit?"

I smiled weakly. "She grew up fast. She is very smart and is a fast learner. She is as kind and compassionate like her mother, brave and talented like her father."

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