Chapter 8

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"So when is Grace coming back?" Kobra asked.

Poison shrugged. "I don't know. Dr.Death was just like, 'Poison, you sassy queen, Grace is coming back and you need to show her how you flaunt it gurl!'"

I rolled my eyes. "He did not say that."

Poison smirked. "My sass was just distracting you from listening."

I scoffed. "As if." I said as I lightly punched Poison in the arm.

"You know," Ghoul said "Neon and Poison have been getting closer together and it's only been two days since they met." He snickered. "Maybe next month they'll get married."

I felt myself blush. "Why you little-!" I went up to Ghoul and held him in a head lock. Ghoul instantly started laughing and screaming at the same time. "Ah, Neon! No!"

Then Jet walked into the room with a comb stuck in his hair. "Shit guys, I think I got gum stuck in my hair." He said trying to get something out of his hair.

Ghoul laughed. "Haha, looks like Princess Fro Fro is now Princess No No- ack!" Ghoul was cut off when I started   ruffling his hair with my knuckles.

Kobra sighed. "Here, let me help." He went up to Jet and started to get the comb and gum out of his hair. "How did you get gum in your hair anyway?"

Jet shrugged.

"Oh, hey!" Poison exclaimed. "I just realized I haven't sang yet. This 'ain't a party. Get off the dance floor. You wanna get down. Here comes the gang war."

"Ooh! I wanna join!" Bandit cried as she started singing along with her daddy.

All in the middle of Bandit and Poison's singing, me giving Ghoul a head lock while he was begging for mercy, and Kobra struggling to get the gum out of Jet's hair, the diner door swung open and a girl with curly hair stood in the doorway.

Oh my Gee! I am so happy I finally updated a chapter. It been like, what, 12 years? Thank you all so much for being patient!

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