Chapter 6

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"How did your visit with Dr. Death Defying go?" Jet asked as soon as me and Poison returned to the diner.

"It was fine." I replied "I mean, I never thought I would meet him in person since he is famous."

"Kobra, I need help." Ghoul called as he was in the kitchen trying to reach the cupboards. "I can't reach."

The boys started snickering as Kobra walked over to Ghoul. "What do you need?" he asked.

"I have a stash of magazines up in there."

"Okay, One, how did you reach up there? Two, why don't you keep them in your room? Three, what kind of magazines?"

Ghoul looked offended at the last question. "I asked Show Pony to help me and I left them up there because Grace would look through my room to find the magazines and those are car magazines."

"Speaking of Grace," Poison said as Kobra reached into the cupboard. "She's coming back to the diner."

"What?" said Jet.

"Seriously?" said Ghoul.

"Damn it, Ghoul, why is it so high?" said Kobra.

"What happened to Grace?" I asked. Poison turned his attention on me. "BLI/nd decided to 'borrow' her for a moment. We tried to rescue her but she wasn't allowed to tell us where she was. But I guess BLI/nd decided to let her go."

Kobra just handed the magazines as soon as the diner door swung open.

"Grace?" Poison called.

A little girl's figure walked into the diner and my heart started beating quickly. I was feeling many things. Excitement, relief, sadness, and fear.

Because the girl who stood before us was not Grace. No, it was my old Killjoy friend, Bandit.

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