Chapter 12

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"Well,could you at least tell me her name?" Nightmare asked.

"Her name is Deadly Adrenaline. Now that I think of it, she's not a lot like you. I mean, she's offense! I meant to say she shows a lot of emotion and is confident while you...y'know." I said. I felt really bad about saying it, but I was just giving her a warning.

"What was her mission again?" Silver asked. Wild hit him on the back of his head. "Idiot! Don't you remember?"

Silver rubbed the back of his head. "Obviously not if I'm asking!" he snapped back.

Wild sighed. "It was some top secret mission. Something that none of us could be apart of for some reason. But whatever. It's not like I wanted to go."

"Guys, can you both shut the fuck up for two minutes?" I asked, because they were giving me a headache.

I saw Bandit tug on Rose's skirt. "Mommy, what does 'fuck' mean?"

"Fuck is a bad word mommy doesn't want to hear you say to anyone unless if it's a drac or crow." Rose replied.

Great parenting. I thought.

Suddenly, the sound of a car speeding came into view and it stop right in front of us. "Oh, look. Adrenaline is back." Wild remarked.

The first thing I saw come out of the car was a silver boot, then Adrenaline revealed herself. Such dramatic effects! She grinned at us. "Miss me?"

Rose, Wild, Silver and I all exchanged glances. "Um, Adrenaline" Wild said. "We- uh. We did something without your permission."

Adrenaline raised an eyebrow at Nightmare. "I can see that. What's your name."

Nightmare looked down at the ground. "N-nightmare." She slightly raised her head. "Alchemic Nightmare."

Thank you @PayPayLove17 for Deadly Adrenaline

Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter. I'm going to make a Tony Perry x reader soon, I was working on my other stories, and my wifi was out for half a week. The next one will be longer, I promise.

And don't worry. The next two or three chapters will go back to the Fabulous Killjoys;)

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