2nd-He's actually a pervert??

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“Ugh why did she have to curse me this way why not just turn me into a human girl and kiss a guy with true loves kiss =___= or just turn me into a real fox -_-

             -_-(Flash back) -_-

Witch: umm can I have a piece of bread or meat,I'm so hungry right now

Me: ugh an ugly bitch shooo I don't talk to ugly bitches like you :P

Witch: be warn you beautiful fox you might get curse due to your horrible personality x(

Me: tsk just let them try I'm not that defenseless you know. i may look  beautiful but I'm not as weak as a cow like you I even bet you can't defeat me in a mage battle

witch: you sure about this I'm not weak you know I may look ugly but I'm more powerful than anything

Me: feeleeeeer :P hahaha was that a joke.

Witch: I though you don't talk to ugly bitches like me

Me: umm let's just fight :$ how dare you talk to a goddess like me

“ After what I just said she just stunned me and just turn me into stone for a few second and cast a spell like that ugh when I see that old crummy bitch! again I swear I'm gonna rip her legs out and feed it to the fox"

“ After what I just said she just stunned me and just turn me into stone for a few second and cast a spell like that ugh when I see that old crummy bitch! again I swear I'm gonna rip her legs out and feed it to the fox"

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ugh past is past anyway I can't believe the years I've spent in this miserable body it has been a nightmare!!! they all kept teasing me ugh

(Meanwhile I'm listening to there conversation)

Crush: am what thing that shines early in the morning but not the sun

Classmate: ammmm flower???

Crush: nope :p

Classmate: then what? -_-

Crush: its a penis don't u realize that every morning it stands

“What did he just said did he said penis does he mean 8===D

(I shouted)

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Peeerrrvvveerrrrrttt!!!!!!!!!!!!"

“ughh I can't believe i just shout for nothing now I'm sure he won't talk to me" wtf everyone is looking at me this is so embarrassing ugh -_-

Crush: what do you mean pervert your a boy aren't you

Me: :$ I don't know _^_

“Must stop smirking why did he talk to me _^_"

Crush: your weird does yours even stands??? Doesn't it stands every morning???

Me: ugh -,- what a waist your actually cute but your a pervert

“did I just said that out loud maybe not I was just thinking just like now I wish I didn't said that in person"

Crush: :D hahahaha you think I'm cute hahaha :D

Me: wait what I did said it out loud -,- how embarrassing

Crush: ahahahahaha my name is..........

      ( To be continued.......)

I Fell Inlove At A Cursed Ninetailed FoxWhere stories live. Discover now