8th- The new student

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“ ugh thanks to Terrence we went home early what a k.j -_-

Teacher: okay class today we have a new student he's younger than all of you let's just say he's a genius

Terrence: huuuuh??? No girls???

Teacher: psh its not like your gonaa talk to them even if you talk they will get scared and run

Terrence: tsk whatever

The whole class: hahahahaha ;D

Teacher: okay2x keep it down let's go down for p.e

Students: huuuuh???? What about the new student

Teacher: he is already there probably

Students: okkkkk

“I wonder who is the new student he sounds fishy cause his younger hmmm"

Teacher: meet your new classmate JOSHUA come out

Joshua: its so hot teacher can we go back in the room

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Joshua: its so hot teacher can we go back in the room

Teacher: don't sweat it, your good at p.e anyway

Girls: niyaaaaa he's so cute can I have your autograph

Joshua: oh found you little bitch?

“huh??? Is he talking to me???

Me: did the teacher just said his the new student so it means huuuuuh????

Joshua: what are you so shock about little fo--

Me: shhhh!!! no one knows that I'm a fox your the only one who knows

Joshua: so I'm the :$ only one who knows

Girls: huuuuuuh??? Don't tell me your a gay toooo

Joshua: huh??? Off course not

Girls: ahahaha thank goodness his not a gay like Zicro

Me: who are you calling gay you bitches -_-*

Whole class: hahahahaha :D

                 (Lunch time)

“ Yes finally its over cause I'm geting tired from playing with Joshua his so good like hell”then the girls keep on cheering at him it's so noisy I can't concentrate,ahh this is a good spot to eat no one around just me myself an----

Joshua: let's eat together

Me: huh??? No thanks I only eat alone

“whats his deal after what he did at his house,then he thinks he can eat with me like how dull is he.

Joshua: I know I was rude when we 1st met each other but give me a cha----

Me: just leave me alone I know you only like my true form not from this man form

Joshua: isn't there anything that can break the curse

Me: you humans are selfish you keep on judging someone from how they look then when they know the good stuff in them they act nice so that they fuck you after they fuck they just leav----


Joshua: do you think I'm like that huh? What do you call yourself you judgemental

“come to think of it,the reason I was curse is for being judgemental and didn't notice the weak and the strong

Me: I'm sorry :( I forgot that I'm a huge idiot and a selfish bit---

Joshua: don't talk like that I'm sorry for forcing you to turn into a fox

Me: hehe idiot,does your brother know you transferred here???

Joshua: oh he doesn't know

Me:huh?? Why???

Joshua: he's actually against it

Me: huuuh??? Why

Joshua: I wouldn't rune the surprise


         “Ugh the bell ring”

Me:I'm going back now I'll go 1st just eat there for a while

Joshua: okay I'll keep on eating

Me: you dumb2x

              (5 minutes later)

Me: I'm back

Terrence: your hiding something aren't you

Me: huh?? What are you talking about

“does he know that I'm a fox"

Terrence: it seems like your a boy magnet

“ Phew -_- he doesn't know"

Me: amm what do you mean???

Terrence: its seems to be they like you---

Me: wait what are you talking about

“I'm backing off cause his to close but I didn't notice Joshua behind me”

“I'm backing off cause his to close but I didn't notice Joshua behind me”

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Me: sorry Joshua I didn't noti---

Joshua: huh?? What are you doing I didn't know you like me

Me/ whole class: huuuuuuh???

Terrence: tsk tsk tsk doing it in daylight

       (Josh just past by)

Josh: huuuuh? Joshua what are you doing in here

Joshua: trying to proclaim my love

Whole class: huuuuh????

Josh: huy what are you talk----

Me: ahhhhhhh I'm going out for awhile

Joshua/josh/whole class: wait!!!! Come back here

Next chapter marry x-mas

I Fell Inlove At A Cursed Ninetailed FoxWhere stories live. Discover now