9th- Merry Christmas

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“ Yahoooo at long last its Christmas, I wonder what's Josh doing for Christmas hmm should I text…

“ Yahoooo at long last its Christmas, I wonder what's Josh doing for Christmas hmm should I text…

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          (The phone vibrated)

“this better be not from 7210

Mssg: hii zicro goodmorning and Merry Christmas

“ my gosh he text me ♥_♥

Replied: I'm OK

Josh: what???

Me: uhhh nothing sorry wrong message,Merry Christmas to.

Josh: want to see each other later???

“Is this a dream????

Me: amm OK what time and what place???

Josh: around 4:00 pm and at the mall??

Me: OK Tyl I'm gonna prepare myself

Josh: isn't it to early for that???

Me: nah just to be prepared for later...

Josh: I have got something to say to its kind of important

“huh??? What does he mean is he going toooo confess his l♥ve :$

Me: am OK tyl

Josh: bye

“this better be not a dream”

(Taking a shower)

“ That was sure refreshing  oh I almost forget my buy some gifts for him hehehe I wonder if he has a gift for me or even better he might confess that he like me niyahhhh!!!! I Can't wait…

(Going to the store)

“Hmm I wonder what I'm going to buy for him hmm maybe this cute shirt nahhh to expensive.

“Its already 3:45 now its almost time to see him ahhaa I'll buy this bear it looks so cute okay let me check my money 1st and huuh? Where my money huuuuuh?? Don't tell me I left it at my house noooo I don't have enough money to buy anything all I can buy is fress candies..... Hmm fresh candies

          (15 minutes later)

“I wonder where he is?? I'm gonaa text him"

Me: where are you Josh???

Replied: at the cafe get in there I'm waiting for you...


Me: oh hii Josh

Josh: :) hello

Me: may I sit

Josh: yeah sure

“huh? I wonder where's my gift??he doesn't seem to be bringing anything oh maybe its a surprise maybe he's hiding it in his pocket and when we walk he will ask me to be his bride or maybe its at the waitress and when I order something she will put the ring in the food...there are so much possibility ♥_♥

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