My V-Card

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Me:neh stop it,it tickles

Josh:oh come on just for a second

Me: your tongue keeps squirming in my mouth

"its really hard to talk when he keeps doing this naughty stuffs"

Josh: woopsii daisy

"wtf he's pushing me against the wall I don't mean to be a pervert cause that's indecent for a girl but I can feel a hard stick pushing through my stomach

Me: ouch keep control of your junior will you

Josh: I can't hold it much longer

Me: then let me do the work for you

"I pushed him in the floor and go on top of him there was a bed but he said he can't hold it---

"wahhhh wtf am I saying I'm such a perverted little girl bakka na hentai

Me: is it really alright if you and me will have a child???

Josh: ofcourse

Me: tsk you disgust me by your horny self

Josh: is there a problem???

Me: actually there is I'm such a pedophile

Josh: from all this years we've been through and all the smooching your just going to feel guilty about having a child???

Me:well yes but---

" I've stop due to something that's bugging me in my private area"

Me:will cut it stop making it hard

Josh: I can't control it anymore

Me: you want a child I'll give you a child

"I was about to strip when the door opened and with Joshua looking at us with a shock expression"

Me:oh hi Joshua hmm why are your cheeks color red are feeling sick??

"i haven't realize my position with josh when suddenly Joshua pointed at us"

"Then woofaaa I jump as far as I can to stay away from josh this is umbarrasing"

Me:its not what you thin---

Joshua: soory!!! for disturbing your privacy next time I'll knock

Me: umm---

Joshua: ahhhh im so soorryyyy!!!!!!!!!!

Josh: let's go somewhere private

Me:your seriously horny aren't you???

"i was so shock from his expression his smiling while he nod (disgusting)"

"While we are walking to go to our destination I just remembered of how time flies I cast a spell on myself to hide my tails to the other humans that doesn't know about my existence the onlr person who knows are Josh and Joshua only"

(How time flies)

"we have arrive at our destination I can't believe where making it in a shrine"

Me:oh dear kamini-sama hontei gomenasai"

Josh: is that a prayer

Me:Idiot I'm asking for forgiveness about what are we gonna do now

Josh: oh OK

"with no time to waist he carry me and go at the back of the shrine and start licking my neck"

Me; wait!!!


Me: let me activate a spell so no one can interrupt

"what the hell am I saying its like I'm approving of what's about to happened "

(a smirk has been carved on his face)

Josh: your really into this aren't you

Me: just hurry up and do it

"wtf am I saying nooo!!!! I'm such a perverted little girl

"its hard to be angry when he keeps smiling like that it means the world to me"

"after making the barrier he didn't waist another time and drag me into his hands -__-"

Josh: are you ready for this

"i give him a quick nod while closing my eyes shut cause I know his already naked my gossh this is so embarrassing kamini-sama gomenasai for this I shall not be a virgin"

"minutes have past and nothing has still penetrated,ewwe what am I even saying, I decided to open my eyes to look at what's bothering him when I look at him his looking at the sky he looks so cute when he's only wearing some boxers"

Me:why did you stop??

Josh: ain't the sky pretty??

"is he seriously dodging the question??

Me: yeah it is

Josh: I'm not gonna force you if don't like it I can wait you know

"he's seriously saying that after all I just said wtf is wrong with him,I can't stop from punching his head gently cause a single punch can kill him"

Me: huuuh!!! are you an idiot you keep forcing me then you just said you can wait

Josh: ahaahaha.

"seriously he's laughing after all that effort"

Me: why are you toying with me???

Josh: I don't want you to get hurt you know you were really out of your comfort zone I have to stop.

Me: then don't stop I'm ready for this I can't keep living my life in fear just because of that witch

josh: see your still out of your comfort zone your still bringing up the witch who said will never lay a finger on you so---

"i didn't let him finish his pissing me of already so kissed him"

"it didn't take long before he responded from my kiss I feel my heart was going to explode from that moment"

"soo there it begin he suddenly undressed me gently while not breaking the sweet gentle kiss"

"I was shy a little bit but he hold both my hands in the wall and kiss my neck all the way to my private part he look at my eyes for a while then he look at my private part,it was really embarrassing but just for the sake of the pleas sure I guess"

"It was not long before he took of his boxers then taddaaaa!!!! a big stick just come out of it I was laughing for some reason cause it was cute I touched it with gentleness in every stroke after jerking his stick/snake or whatever you call it I suddenly got the urge to put it in me I guess it was curiosity so I put it in"

"I was shock of how good it felt and how painful it was I can feel my my private part was about to be rip out open I wondered why he didn't move a bit I look in his eyes and I see a scared face of a man afraid of letting the one he loves die"

" seriously how childish can he be I kiss him so that he would feel comfortable about it,I'm not saying it doesn't hurt I'm saying for the sake of pleasure every push hurts every pull hurts even more its like the opposite around it Idk I'm not use to these thing"

"from one final push he stopped and I can feel a warm liquid entering me it felt good actually but it still hurt after that we look at each other we don't know why but we laugh but seriously it hurts"

6 months later I have given birth of triplets there all cute but there wasn't that happy cause they were 3 of them at just 1 sex I can't help but laugh at his sad face oh well I guess this is my happy ending"


"I'm bored to death so I add this thing in the story I know it lacks emotion on it cause I'm not use to any relationship I'm an Emo so I guess its much awkward right now I'm trying to escape the world by making my own story hmm -_- single forever"

I Fell Inlove At A Cursed Ninetailed FoxWhere stories live. Discover now