13th- Happy valentines day

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“oh its morning. Already I wonder what was he about to say about yesterday I guess I'll go to the garden for awhile

(Going to the garden)

“I guess that was true loves kiss cause I'm still at my true form but why do I feel sad,insecure,pain and why am I scared to see him again,nothing make sense anymore

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“I guess that was true loves kiss cause I'm still at my true form but why do I feel sad,insecure,pain and why am I scared to see him again,nothing make sense anymore

“is it all that witch fault who's to blame my self?? The witch ugh pls... Make me feel happy for this moment

          (The phone vibrated)

Oh its from josh hmm I wonder what's it about???

Josh: hii Zicro good morning

Me: oh what's up??,umm your still gonna call me Zicro

Josh: I'm sorry I got use to calling you Zicro

Me: oh OK what's up??

Josh: umm why do you sound sad did I did something wrong,pls..don't leave me hanging it feels awkward if your attitude is like that

Me: huh? Nothing I'm just confuse,sorry

Zicro: oh I think your busy today I'm sorry for bulging you

Me: oh no.no.no pls.. Can we see each other I need some comfort?

Josh: oh sure with pleasure, um do you know what day it is

Me: um no why is it something special

Josh: hehehe its a secret just wait for the surprise

Me; oh it is a surprise,hahaha your so dense

Josh: wtf now its not a surprise

Me: hahaha thanks for the comfort :'),um  where should we meet??

Josh: um up in the mountains have you forgotten your a nine tail fox now you should hide from now on cause I'm sure witches will look for you

Me: like I told you they won't bug me anymore just chill OK

Josh: oh OK If you say so

Me: which mountain?? Josh??

Josh: um mount shrine where they say your kind is born

“oh you have done some research eh but all of that ain't true well we actually spawn from different sacred mountains we don't know who maid us or what's our purpose but I only we have different kind of personality well I guess I'm the awkwa-------

          (The phone vibrated)

Josh: you still there or are you busy

“delete delete everything I just type its to awkward to tell all of this silly stuff"

Me: oh sorry I just wash the dishes

Josh: oh is that soooooo,, OK let's meet at 6:00 pm OK at mount shrine where no one visits cause they say its hunted hahaha

I Fell Inlove At A Cursed Ninetailed FoxWhere stories live. Discover now