12th- Happy birth day

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“hmm that night mare was the worst dream ever -_- thinking about his (blush) no.no.no. gross don't think about his 8==D come to think of it I didn't see his privat-----

Josh: good morning Zicro

Me: ahhhhh, oh hi Josh

“what did I shout for??? -_-

Josh: what did you shout for???

Me: oh ahehehe you actually scared me

Josh: oh sorry about that

Me: umm where is Joshua

Josh: why you like him???

Me: off course not -_-

“whats his deal??

Josh: ohh I'm glad I thought you have fallen for hi---,
Nvm what is said (blush)

Me: huh???

“does he likes me???”

Josh: nothing nvm what I said

Me: why

Josh: I'm going ahead you just stay still

Me: huh?

Josh: just stay still

(He ran away)

“what just happen does he like me now hehe (blush) I guess I love you no matter what :)

(I have arrive at school)

“I wonder what's his deal??

Joshua: oh hi zicro did you know whose b-day it is tomorrow

Me: huh? What do you mean?

Joshua: I'll tell you when we go home

Me: hmm ok

(6 hours later)

“I wonder whose b-day is it tomorrow hmm maybe his or maybe its Josh (Josh just walked by)

Me: hi josh

Josh: oh bye

Me: huh??

“what happen does he hate me now what's going on why does he keeps running away from me

Joshua: oh hi Zicro did I made you wait???

Me: oh not at all

Joshua: OK let's walk

Me: umm Joshua does josh hates me???

Joshua: huh?, oh no he doesn't

Me: then why is he avoiding me???

Joshua: his just shy

Me: shy of what????

Joshua: of you??

Me: huh? Why

Joshua: I wouldn't rune the surprise

Me: ohhh that's to bad

“but why is he shy?? If only he knows that I'm a nine tail fox -_-

Joshua: umm Navi---do like josh

“huh? He called me by my true name

Me: huh??? Umm yeah why

Joshua; nothing at all

Me: your being weird today 

Joshua: nvm um do you know whose b-day is it tomorrow on Saturday???

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