5th- Our 1st kiss :*

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"ugh its been 3 months now but not even a single message has been text -_- why did he ask for my number if he's not going to do anything -_-
"we have actually talk a lot of times from the past few months but why not text me maybe he has a girlfriend" -_- ugh so confuse @_@

(The phone vibrated)

Zicro immediately grab his phone but it was from 7210

"ahhhhh where's your message ugh should I text Him 1st ugh this is so confusing @_@,,,ugh never mind him I bet that was just a stupid dare I must find a distraction in order to forget about that guy hmm ahhhaaaa!!! available babysitter hahaha this will sure distract me

(Couple of hours later)

Hmm is this the address 586 hilltop,homes hmm this is weird oh whatever just to forget about Josh

Client: oh hiiiii are you the baby sitter

Me: yup..umm hello

Client: oh good2x now this is a face i can trust pls. take care of my sons and the house

"i wonder if they are cute

Client: let me introduce them to you my oldest son is josh

"did he just said josh???
Naaaa maybe its just Joshua

Client: I think he's at your age but don't disturb him he's sleeping right now and----

Me: um excuse me can you repeat the name of your 1st child??

Client: josh is there a problem,any way this is my other son he's name is Joshua be careful he's actually talkative

"fuck he actually lives here maybe today's my chance to push myself, I must stop smirking :\ he's mother might notice me??

Client: umm dear what's with the evil smile???

Me: huh? I was just smirking

Client: and why are you smirking??? Oh yeah your from the same school as josh could it be you like him _^_

Me: huh??? Nooo nooo nooo of course not _^_

Client: then why is your mouth trying so hard not to smile

Me: ohh ahahaha I'm just excited to guard your house

Client: if you say soooo its not like he would like you cause you know your a boy

"why does she have to say it in my face does she even know that I have feelings???

Client: okay2x I'm off I'm going to work now take care of the house for me

Me: okay boss...

"She's actually pretty but not like my real face if only I was a nine tail fox again... (evil laugh) niyahahaha..hehehehe let's see how does he look when he sleeps

"wow he looks so cute :$ should touch him...naaaaah I'll just make some food for him"

I'm going to the kitchen to cook for my beloooooooved just to be cute lala lala lalalalaaaaaaa..

Joshua: ugh what is that horrible song

Me: oh hiii Joshua your Also kind of cute

Joshua: I don't talk to idiots and faggots

Me: uhhhh that was a rude thing to say

Joshua: PSH whatever what's that a food

Me: yeah why

"he just took the food I cook -_- another waisted effort"

"heeeeey at least ask for the food properly"

I Fell Inlove At A Cursed Ninetailed FoxWhere stories live. Discover now