7th- The hug <3

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(Walking around the park)

(Singing) walking around the park... Still thinking all about the past were I still have powers but now I'm so defenceless ohhh ahhhhhhh!!! The rain is crying with me and the rain is the only thing with me,nothing else matter-----

 Still thinking all about the past were I still have powers but now I'm so defenceless ohhh ahhhhhhh!!! The rain is crying with me and the rain is the only thing with me,nothing else matter-----

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(A memory with josh just showed up)

"Huh??? Why did I remember that part...love is such a weird thing it doesn't even give you anything it just brings pain in our life...

(Meanwhile at Josh house)

Josh: hmm he actually works hear.

Joshua: mom let's hire her again

Mom: uhhh I don't know I feel like he likes josh,what do you mean her??

Josh: huh? You think so...come to think of it I think he likes me. :&

Mom: do you like him, did you know you will never have a child with him _^_

Josh: huh??? I never said that(blush) :$

Joshua: she actually kiss you

Josh: who????

Joshua: her you know navi

Josh: who's navi???

Joshua: you mean you don't know???

Josh: ummm I don't know what you are talking about

Joshua: umm can I date zicro??

Josh: nooooooooo!

Joshua: I thought u don't like him???

Josh: off course I don't

Mom: oohhhh!!! Some ones guilty _^_

Joshua: yup 98% guilty

Josh: just keep quite I'm going to bed now

Mom/Joshua: GUILTY!!!!!

JOSH: hurusai!!!!

(The next day)

Josh: hmm I wonder where is Zicro??? Wtf am I talking about noon,nooo,noo I don't like him I mean we are both boys ahhhhhh!!!! -_- stop beating for the wrong person you stupid heart.............................................

Josh: hmm I wonder where is Zicro??? Wtf am I talking about noon,nooo,noo I don't like him I mean we are both boys ahhhhhh!!!! -_- stop beating for the wrong person you stupid heart

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Oh hiii Zi----

Josh: why does he look so sad did something happened yesterday,I must talk to him later....

(3 hours later)

"I wonder where is Zicro,is he in his room???

Josh: ummm is zicro here???

Terrence: huh??? Why do you want to fuck him

Josh: what??? off course not I'm just concerned about him

Terrence: oh is that so his at the school garden make sure you don't fuck him in public

Josh: shut up!!!/hurusai!!!

(Josh arrive at the school garden)

"Josh sit next beside me like that I care"

Josh: what are you doing here all alone Zicro

Me: nothing just thinking

Josh: did something happen yesterday

Me: I don't want to talk about it!!

Josh: pls.. Just talk to me

Me: just leave me alone!!! x(

Josh: you idiot after what you made me feel your just going to push me away think of how I think for awhile

Me: sorry :( its just I can't explain it to you

Josh: you know you can share anything with me right???

Me: so can I share my love with you???

"sh*t did I just said that wtf is wrong with me"

(Awkward silence)

Sh*t wtf is he thinking we have been staring with each other for a while now :[

Me: umm I wa----

Josh: I'll think about it??

Me: huh??? :$

Josh: umm ill think about it I'm not a gay okay its just every time I'm with you I feel happy just give me time

Me: hahahahaha <3 are you for real hahaha my stomach :D ahahaha it hurts, you where like saying it passionately like serious face (*_*) then you said give me some ti-----

Me: hahahahaha <3 are you for real hahaha my stomach :D ahahaha it hurts, you where like saying it passionately like serious face (*_*) then you said give me some ti-----

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Josh: that's my happy Zicro :)

Me: ahahahah :D thanks josh your the only one who can make my day

Terrence: didn't I say not to do it in public

Josh/Zicro: what the hell are you talking about we didn't do anything :$

Terrence: PSH whatever

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