4th-We are finally friends

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Me: ummm ahhhh ummm
          (So sweaty)

Crush: why are you nervous??? Are you afraid of something??

Me: nothing at all you know just chilling

Crush: you like me don't you
              (He's teasing Zicro)

Me: huh?? How did you-----??
             (Blushing) :$

Crush: how did I know what??? Did I said something that may have frighten you???

Me: that I like----

"His classmate, heeeeeyyyy Josh who you talking to

Crush: go away I'm making some new friends

“Im so disappointed he was just looking for a new friend -_- I though he knew that I like him??

Crush: like who???

Me: ahhhhhhhh sooo your name is josh a what a cute name just like your face

(Josh's mind)
Hmm what's wrong with him did something happen our topic is so awkward and why is he dodging the question does he really likes me hmm must find a clue to know what's the truth

(Zicro's mind)
Sh*t his totally judging me for being so weird f*ck our conversation is so awkward must find for a topic must----

(Zicro's mind)Sh*t his totally judging me for being so weird f*ck our conversation is so awkward must find for a topic must----

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Crush: do you like me????

“huh?? What is he doing is this for real must change the topic

Me: ahhh look a butterfly :*

(He looked) -_-

“ I'm such an idiot why did I run now he will never talk to me ever again huhuhuh :'( ugh curse this stupid legs why did you run

(His spanking his own legs)

“Why did he did that was he playing with me hmmm yeah probably there's no way he would go that far i mean his a boy...wait his a boy I can't believe I forgot about the curse yooooosssshhhh must push myself into him in order to break the curse......

Crush: what curse?? And who to push??? I'm so confused right now

“when did he get here and how did he know that I was here???”


Me: ugh nothing Darling!!!!

“shit I slip my mouth curse this”

Crush: darling???

Me: -........- wtf I didn't mean that like I'm so confused from whats going on I can't think straight and and and....

Crush: chill I was only teasing you there's no way I would date a guy

Me: aw how disappointing -_-

Crush: so you do like me???

Me: huh? What do you mean???

Crush: I'm not deaf you know I can hear you loud and clear its like your inner thoughts are mix up from what you about to say but didn't mean what to say??

Me: huuuuuuhhhh?????? -_-?
(I'm so clueless right now)

Crush: nvm let me reintroduce myself my name is josh nice to meet you and you are???

“ I'm Zicro <3

“He actually ask for my name my gosh this is what I've been waiting for although he doesn't like to date a guy""

Me: did you just hear what I said

Crush: yes your name is Zicro

Me: ugh thank goodness he didn't here what I just said

Crush: you probably thinking about it that's why I can't here you...

0o0 (Shock face) 0o0

Me: you mind reader

Crush: I just said I didn't here you -_-

             (Awkward silence)

Crush: do you have a phone???

Me: what???

Crush: do you have a phone??? Dumb2x

Me: yeah want to have my number

“Did I actually said that”

Crush: yeah ;)

“why is this happening does he like me I wish he does so that this crummy curse can be finally broken”

             (To be continued)

I Fell Inlove At A Cursed Ninetailed FoxWhere stories live. Discover now