Chapter 1

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It was March 1988, the month that everything went down. My name is Chouko and at the time I was a 5th grader, nothing major happening except for a little game my friend made up, detective. His game kept me occupied, it kept our group together. I was always alone but in the beginning of this year he started talking to me and I joined their group. Ventured to their hideout and helped them with whatever we were doing that day. Over that past school year I slowly developed feelings for Satoru but physically couldn't say anything, no one else knows. Detective was a simple game, but it wasn't really a game. Satoru said he had this feeling kidnappings could occur since we found some odd stuff inside of an old bus. We started to go around, leading us to Aya and now we are heading out of school.

I walk with Kenya, Hiromi, and Satoru out of the school building. The snow covered the ground as I think of the idea that Satoru told us, which is near impossible but could happen. Those items that were in the bookbag on the bus show that possibility. Satoru tried explain that anyone alone could be a victim, which caused me to start to walk home with Kenya and Hiromi. I snap out of my thoughts as Satoru starts walking towards the hockey game. I turn the other way walking with Kenya and Hiromi.

"So, should we do our own snooping around while he goes snooping at the game?" I say walking between them. Kenya looks at me bored and Hiromi looks on edge. I was the only one I felt like who wanted to help Satoru with this as much as he himself wanted to.

"Not tonight, I have a bunch of homework, remember that project that was assigned last week is due tomorrow." Kenya says looking forward and I panic.

"I completely forgot to start that! Ugh I really thought I had a lot of freetime tonight." I pout thinking of what even the project was. I hold the straps of my bookbag as we turn the corner.

"I-I would have been down, b-but I don't want to go alone." Hiromi says obviously scared. I put my hand on his shoulder and rub it softly.

"Satoru said that guy is probably only going for girls so your fine!" I add smiling trying to lighten the mood. I look up at the sunset as we get up to my house. "Everything will be fine! Playing detective isn't that hard is it!" I say giggling as I unlock my front door and walk in and take off my boots.

"Hi Mom! I'm home!" I shout starting to run to the steps but she grabs my bookbag smiling.

"Dinner is ready come eat before you run upstairs." She says as I reluctantly walk into the kitchen and sit at the table with the curry layed out on the plate. She sits across from me as I begin to quickly eating it and she chuckles.

"So how was school?" She asks slowly eating her curry as I look at my plate and finish my spoonful and swallow.

"School is school, nothing really important. I forgot I have a project due tomorrow so I need to start...and finish that. I was planning to go out with Kenya and Hiromi but they are busy." I say shrugging and getting another spoonful, finishing my curry as I set the spoon down and go to stand up. "Thank you for the meal!" I say bowing as I run upstairs.

I lay on my floor putting together the project which was simply to make up a story that has to be 3 pages long. I smile happily writing about us being detectives when we are older. Kenya, and Hiromi will be the side kicks on the look out for the so said killer while Satoru and I will go around trying to make sure no one is alone while we investigate the scenes. I rewrite the scene that Kayo described in the bus and added a few extra details about it.

I lay on the floor and set the pencil down sighing as I look at the work that I just made in less than an hour. I hear my mom stop cleaning the dishes and walk upstairs signaling that I need to get in bed. I run to the closet and change into my pajamas as I put my short story in my folder and go to the bathroom brushing my teeth.

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