Chapter 9

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Warning another time skip but I swear its the last one for a while :)

October 17th, 1993

After months of begging my mom to let me get a job, I can finally call myself an intern at Chiba's local news station. Part of the reason I got the job may have been because Ms. Fujinuma use to work in the industry and she had sone contacts BUT that is besides the point. Today I am going back to my hometown for the day to visit Kenya and Hiromi since they were the only ones actually available, hopefully they are happy I got the job.

Shutting the journal, the 7th one now, I put it on my desk shelf. I lean back in the chair groaning a bit as my back cracks and I let out a sigh of relief. Standing up I grab my glasses and adjust them on my face and then head into the bathroom. I splash water in my face to wake myself up and then proceed to do my makeup.

Nothing super intense, just some concealer, eyeshadow and mascara. It doesn't take long for that to get done, quickly I brush my teeth and go into my bedroom again to pick out my outfit. I just throw on a black skirt with a white blouse tucked in and an oversized jean jacket. I leave my hair down and then grab my wallet as I head out the front door.

I take a deep breath of the autumn air and smile softly. To be honest, everything was a lot calmer now that I was almost done high school. I remember panicking about going outside along in fear of Sensei and constantly thinking I could solve that whole thing on my own. Now I'm not saying that I gave up, instead I've been taking a more passive approach to everything, which is mainly one of the reasons I applied for the news station but that is besides the point. 

Before I go to the train station I'm just going to pop by Ms. Fujinuma's apartment since it is on the way. To this day I still help her with Satoru, which is a lot easier now since he was moved to house care. I put in headphones and look down at my phone as I walk, I decide to shoot Kenya a text.

C - Hey! Im stopping by to thank Ms. Fujinuma for a favor then heading to the bus stop so see you soo :)

Within seconds he replies back, he has always been good at replying quick.

K- Okay! Take your time.

After I send the text I stop in a coffee shop, which I am a usual in and often know most the other people who go there. Once I walk in the barista smiles and waves and instantly begins making two coffees, since I always grab one for Ms. Fujinuma. As I wait for my coffees I take out my headphones and watch as a woman comes in with a little girl, who looked about 4 years old. I never saw her before so I just assumed she was probably visiting Chiba for the weekend.

I listen as I hear the little girl plead for a cookie and her mother just sighs.

"Not right now Airi, Mommy just needs her coffee and you don't need any sugar!" She says booping her nose a little which causes the little girl to giggle. I smile softly thinking of my mom, she was currently traveling for work for the next month so I was left to fend for myself. 

"Cho! Tell Ms. Fujinuma I say hello~" The barista hums and I chuckle and smile softly "I will! See you tomorrow afternoon." And with that I left the store and rushed over to Ms. Fujinuma's apartment.

I knock on the apartment door and she almost instantly replies onto the knock and takes the coffee. "You are a tiny saint you know that?" She chuckles taking a sip as we both walk into the room that Satoru was. "Oh you know I try~" I hum and we both laugh and then start with out little routine of taking care of Satoru.

I looked at him and I played with his hand, bending each finger gently and smiled softly. 

"It's insane how different he looks. I remember a few years back I genuinely thought he would stop growing." I hummed a little as I set his hand down and then started to bend his entire arm instead. I heard Ms. Fujinuma softly sigh, but like a positive sigh, not an upset one "I know, and look at how handsome he is~~" She cooed and winked at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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