Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning, or should I say afternoon. Since it was a weekend I didn't really care about waking up early. Weekends were my time to relax and plan, but mainly relax. As I sat up and ruffled my already messy hair I looked around my pale purple room, the white sheet covering the board and the toys scattered everywhere. It was organized chaos.

I finally got the will to drag myself out of bed and down the steps. The house was oddly quiet for being a weekend and I walk downstairs to see a note from my mother.

Ran out to do some errands I will be back before dinner! I made you some lunch and it's in the fridge :)

Cool so I have the house to myself. I swing open the door of the fridge and see a sandwich, it wasn't anything special just tomato, turkey, lettuce, and cheese. I slowly open the bag and toss it in the trash and walk into my living room and plop down on the couch, turning on the tv as I take a bite of the sandwich. Skimming through the channels I just pick the news since I want to see if there has been any leads to the case.

Of course since the whole thing was still blowing up in the news they were all talking about the case. My eyes were glued to the screen as I took another bite and intensely listened in to the reporters.

"Though no culprit has been found the model of the car along with a special team trying to find out the license plate have gained some information but it has not been released to the pub-"

Change station

"Still no culprit found in the attempted homicide cause of Satoru Fujinuma. Some suspects have come into play, the main suspects whom they believe caused this was the man Jun Shiratori, a food delivery worker in the area. Multiple people in the town say that he often was at the park approaching and talking to either their children or to others. Police are now looking further into him."

Huh.. Jun Shiratori. I haven't even heard of anyone with that name, let alone actually seen anyone at the park who was older. If only I can find out more information about him or maybe talk to some people at the park I could get answers.

Taking the last bite of the sandwich I stood up, leaving the tv on and walked upstairs. Turning on the light of my room I quickly ripped the sheet from the board and chucked it across the room. Looking around my room I realized I need to stea-borrow my mother laptop for research.

I slowly exited my room and snuck into hers and saw it sitting on the dark brown desk. It was a plain looking desk but had fancy details on the legs and two drawers. I opened up her laptop to make sure it was charged but realized that she has a password. Usually I just told her I need it for school and she would unlock it but she never told me the password.

Plopping down into her desk chair I sank into the dark maroon leather chair, creating a small sound from the air escaping as I sat. I swung my legs back and forth as I tried to think up passwords that she would use.

Incorrect Password
Incorrect Password it isn't my name.. maybe birthday
Incorrect Password
Hint: Cho's best friend
Best friend? Amen to hints cause I wouldn't have gotten that..

"Of course she would do best friend." I scoffed and pulled the laptop onto my lap and spun around in the chair as I opened up google. Moving the cursor up to settings I make sure that the history isn't being tracked and looked up the name.

"Jun Shiratori..Jun Shiratori.." mumbling to myself as I scroll through the searches. The only thing that was coming up was a family business that seemed to deliver food, just as the news said. Clicking on the images tab I look through the pictures and recognized the face. "Wait Yuuki, huh he was like super good friends with Satoru."

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